Can I Help Her?

My cousin is 37, has used coke since a teenager. I recently visited her, she now lives in the inner city and I believe so to get her fixes more easily. I was horrified when I saw where she lived and the people there. Druggies and losers on every corner but she didn't seemed phased by it at all. Is there anything I can do to help her. I know she is in denial of her problem. What advice would anyone have as to how I would go about confronting and helping her. Thanks
There are a number of things you can do....first, you have to do is pray for her, then see if your cousin wants to be in recovery but know this...that a person has to want it before anything happens and this means you have to be clean of all drugs first. It appears that you support your cousin even in her sickness.
Always be there for support and encouragement to stay clean and suggest, because that's all you or anyone can do right now is suggest, attending a NA meeting soon as possible because the sickness of addiction will destroy her, you, the family you both love, and life as you all know it.
Addiction is not her fault, but recovery is her responsibility, not yours.
I have prayed for her and you
May GOD bring you peace
Thank you for the advice. I'm afraid all I can do is pray for her right now. When I saw her last I asked how often she used and she said once a month (which I know was a lie). She is living with someone who also uses and the stuff is all around her. I don't even feel comfortable going there. She said there is shooting all the time. Do you think it would help if my sister and I invited her on a vacation to get her out of that environment and talk to her. I just keep thinking I should do something instead of nothing. Thanks again.
Friend of an addict'
Your not just doing nothing. Your doing what you can, and that's more than anyone can ask at this time. The enviorment of drugs is always dangerous.
Shooting, stabbings, robbery that's all inclusive with that world.
The concern and love you hold on to, doesn't seem like it's enough right now but it is for a person who can't love herself at this time. Please understand I said CAN"T love herself not won't. The object is for her to realize just how uncomfortable the space she's in right now, and it really is draining your trust in her and your devotion for her. These are things you feel on the inside and It is not a pretty sight.As I told you before she has to want help out of this hell and nothing will work until that time comes.
I'm going to be very honest with you and let you be aware that when she gets tired of NOT having the drugs when she wants them, NOT having the money to get drugs, NOT having food to eat, NOT having family and friends around.
Then ...when she gets tired of living like an animal she'll stop.
You can only suggest the recovery process but she has to want it, with our prayers and being up front with this addiction this can be done.
May GOD help us all
thank you so much for the kind words and support - it is much appreciated.
hey friendofaddict it is great to see you caring about someone and I know how tough it is to see someone you care about be so ill. You might benefit from Al Anon or Nar Anon if there are meetings in your area. They are great support for people who love and support addicts and I am sure you would benefit from the fellowship they provide.