Hi, I have been here before and all you guys are the best. I have been taking hydro for about 3 years, due to severe dental surgeries, got hooked on pain pills. no one would believe this of me, I am a 55 year old mother of 3, I did loose my 14 year old son to cancer.
I was taking 20-25 pills a day depending on what i was doing or where i was going. no one knows, they would be so shocked and dissappointed in me, as i am known as the good one in the family.
I deciede i have to get off these things for no matter what it takes, i cut down to more than half about a month ago, i had some of the wd symptoms from cutting so much all at once, i really felt sick, someone on the board told me i cut to much to fast, so i upped what i cut.
I am now only taking 6-8 a day, and i cannot believe that is all i am taking after taking so much, and i feel ok. Today i cut i/2 pill and will do this for a few days.Does anyone think i can really do it this way, it seems to be working, so far, i do get shaky at times and when i do, i run and start cleaning something and praying not to fall back so far so good.
If this doesn't work, i will try to find a sub doctor, because i read so much how people who take it do so well.
Please anyone , give me your thoughts on what i am doing. It will help me
thank you
Navha...........Hey! I think what you are doing is great!! Not many are able to taper like you without cheating. Keep it up. I would take it slow, go down 1/2 - 1 a week. Someone on here had an actual taper schedule, but i would say as long as what you are doing is working for you, stick with it. Congratulations! Your honesty and determination will get you where you want to be.
I was on hydro, also. I took about 15 10mg. norcos daily. I never tapered to less than 6 a day before c/t. I have been clean for 60+ days and it feels so good to be here. Also, I am 48, with a grown child and one young one, kept my secret from most of the world like you, and lead a secret life. It is such a relief to have all that behind me. I wish you lots of luck. Keep posting and let us know how it goes.
Love, Carol
I was on hydro, also. I took about 15 10mg. norcos daily. I never tapered to less than 6 a day before c/t. I have been clean for 60+ days and it feels so good to be here. Also, I am 48, with a grown child and one young one, kept my secret from most of the world like you, and lead a secret life. It is such a relief to have all that behind me. I wish you lots of luck. Keep posting and let us know how it goes.
Love, Carol
Ya know I am probaly the last person to give advise,as I'm haviv a hard day today but I remember you.I feel for all you've been through,and remembering you & your pain helped alittle to pull my head together alittle.
Anyways what I wanted to say was this.YES I belive you can do this.I hate to tell you...you alreadyare, look at how far youve cut back.Its not easy.As we all know & you may have some real hard days ahead of you but I feel really honest feel that you can do this.You seem like youve been through alot already,with or without drugs somewhere inside you have alot of strenghth(sp)and I belive you can do this.Please keep letting us know how you are doing OK? mj
Anyways what I wanted to say was this.YES I belive you can do this.I hate to tell you...you alreadyare, look at how far youve cut back.Its not easy.As we all know & you may have some real hard days ahead of you but I feel really honest feel that you can do this.You seem like youve been through alot already,with or without drugs somewhere inside you have alot of strenghth(sp)and I belive you can do this.Please keep letting us know how you are doing OK? mj
thank you for your thoughts, they helped, i have been told by many i am a strong person, to live with my loss, its the hardest thing i have ever done, i still do not know how i walk and talk not having my son. But i am doing it, if i could live thru that, i should be able to live thru anything, so i will with all my might get off these pills, i do feel i have come a long way, i just have to be strong and i plan to. i am very thin and i notice i am eating better without so many pills, i have been trying to gain at least 5 pounds for a while 10 would be better, but maybe without the pills i will eat better.
thanks to all
thanks to all
Navha........I would think if you can survive that, you are extremely strong and can do this! I am sure of it! You are going to stop completely soon and althought it will be tough for a little while, you will get over it.
As for the weight..........I have been pretty thin also for the past few years. But since stopping the pills, all I want to do is eat! I haven't been brave enough to get on the scales, but all my jeans are too tight. I am now in my "fat jeans". But you know what, other than having to go and buy new ones, I don't really care. I know my body is healthier. Happy eating!
Love, Carol
Just please keep us updated.If I can help out any please let me know......mj
Dear N,
Seems to me like you ARE doing it. Thats quite a bit you've come down from. Keep up the good work, and don't look back, you'll just have to repeat what you've already been thru. best to you.Briar
Seems to me like you ARE doing it. Thats quite a bit you've come down from. Keep up the good work, and don't look back, you'll just have to repeat what you've already been thru. best to you.Briar
again i cannot thank you all for your support, yes i am eating more, i too did not get on the scale for a long time, afraid of seeing a loss of weigh, i cannot believe how much more i am eating.. I will keep you guys posted, i know i have to stay strong, and i will be trying with all my might
what u are trying to do can work. the key is to do it right like u are. decrease a little, stabilize, and then decrease enough just to make u a little sick, but not so it's intolerable. oStill, it might not hurt to get a little medical advice, cause u aint a kid, but i think it will work, or should i say it can work.