Hi...found this sight by accident....trying to gain insight to my husbands addiction.He was prescribed percocet for a back injury 2 years ago...never gave it much thought as I just felt he took too much more than prescribed.He finally admitted that he had been taking approx. 3 times the dose and admitted that he had found additional drugs on line.I was shocked to say the least!!!!! how is this legal???? thanks for your help!
Hi Chelly...sorry to say but it is true. You can purchase pills on-line and if it is not what you are specifically addicted to you can find something that will do just as good to fuel the adiction. I am in a battle right now for my life and my family because of a 3 year addiction to on line pills. You can get them and the Fed Ex brings them to you the next day!!! Yes the Fed Ex man is the dope dealer for 100,000 of us out there maybe even more.....But you pay the price...in cash,sanity,jail or losing your family...Please get your husband some help. I am in a serious battle now to save my marriage and I wish I would have never ever pick up a pill. My husband is so hurt because of mt use and I can only imagine how you feel. Good luck
thanks for the reply europa....this blows my mind but also puts it somewhat to rest as I thought he was lying about where he was getting them.I just don't get how it's legal.or is it?At any rate I guess it's irrelevent now,I just don't want him to get arrested on top of it all.we are struggling so hard to put things together and I am standing by him(and you too are in my prayers) I wish you luck and strength.Keep your chin up and just get through each day on at a time...chelly