My ex has two little girls 2 1/2 and 4. We were toghether for about 3 1/2-4 months. When i met him he was not working much because he had his kids all the time. There mom at that time was not really a huge part of there life and when him and i were toghether the kids wanted to stay with us and would not go to her unless bribed. So i became pretty much full time mom. Just after we started dating i found out he was a coke head and liked to party all the time. Even with the kids there. They would sleep through loud music and lots of people around. I always did everything for those kids from the moment they woke up until bed. With the exeption of my only 4 hours of work i have to do a day. There would be signs of coke use in the morning on the coffee table and bathroom counters. I would always be quickly cleaning up in the morning all tha evidence and beer cans. I did not want them around that crap, obviously. One time the 2 year old picked up an empty coke baggy and asked what it was, i grabbed it and threw it away. We constantly argued about it and the safty of the kids. He always told me to relaxe, everything was fine.
I was taking the kids all the time so he could start his contracting buissness. Well he started to do very well in his buisness and still the parting continued. We were happy toghether when i wasn't mad about the coke. But one day a friend of are's told me that he had tried to get in some girls pants and she said when it happened the second time she had to tell me. I was also told thet it happened at are house after i had put the kids to bed and had gone to bed myself. Right in are living room 10 feet away from the bedroom. After she told me this i freaked out and broke up with him. Having to leave those kid was the hardest thing.I saw them for the next few weeks to at least still be in there life. I also took them for 5 days cause mom didn't want them and he wanted to go to a 5 day boat trip. Stupid me! After we broke up he promised he would quit drinking, doing drugs. He sent flowers,cards, called, showed up. Really put in an effort. But the love of my life had come back into my life a week before we had broken up and told me he wanted me back. At the time i told my ex no i was in love with my boyfriend and his kids. But after he cheated i did go back to my ex. 6 months have passed and me and my ex broke up a month ago after a disateress relationship.
I was asked by my ex with the two kids if a could take care of them for almost 2 week so i said i wanted to stay at his house so the kids could be in there own beds. He had no problem with that and i started on monday. I should mention that since i broke up with the love of my life, i have gotten toghether with the kids dad 3 times. So he instantly started coming on to me. I do still have feelings for him and want to get back toghether with him. But he's still mad i left. His buissness has picked up even more and he is doing great. The kids mom has taken on the kids and now has them 6 nights a week. She's just on vacation right now. Anyway apparently he's still up to his old ways trying to get in girls pants and partying and doing drugs all the time. I just found this out on Tuesday from his 19 year old female tenent. Who he keeps trying it on with. Well we've gotten toghether a few times this week and i canot deal with him being this way, so today i left and told him i could no longer help him for my own sanity. I do love him and i wish he wasn't like that but he is and i have to exept that. But my concern right now is for the kids who are there until Thursday. I feel like i'm leaving them in an unhealthy situation. Should i take them with me to my moms or should he have to deal with them and take on the responsibility? But i know all he'll do is leave them with friend and family all week, no stability. And they'll go to bed late and not eat right. I am cocerned for them and don't know what to do HELP
I would do what you feel is right...... I think you should take the kids... Then wait until their Mother comes back from vacation... Is she using drugs also??? It can't be good if you have to bribe them to see her....... A man with a drug problem is bad enough (I'm living that now, 500 miles away), but a man who would hit on other women is not worthy of you...... YOU and those kids are most important here......
Doing drugs with kids around??? Someone might call child services..... That is deadly... Especially if some accidently get left around and it ends up in their mouths...... So please, you seem like a person who wants to do the right thing..... I understand it might be difficult, but protect yourself and those kids.....
I hope to hear from you again to let me know how your doing.......
Doing drugs with kids around??? Someone might call child services..... That is deadly... Especially if some accidently get left around and it ends up in their mouths...... So please, you seem like a person who wants to do the right thing..... I understand it might be difficult, but protect yourself and those kids.....
I hope to hear from you again to let me know how your doing.......
No there mom does not take drugs. When i was with my ex there was some sort of stability there.The mom was seeing a new guy who the kids did not like and she was very focused on the new man. She has since turned into super mom. Well so i've heard. But the kids see her now and they go because i'm not with there dad anymore and the mom now has the stability. He called tonight and wanted me to come over and watch a movie, i told him NO. It's hard cause i do miss him and the kids, but it's not healthy. Tonight the kids are at home with him. My mom is trying to tell me that the kids are not my reasponsibility and that he should have to do everything on his own. And that i would just be making it easier for him.
There mom is no longer with that old boyfriend.
I always seem to meet these guys who need help. I guess i have the fix it sindrum!
There mom is no longer with that old boyfriend.
I always seem to meet these guys who need help. I guess i have the fix it sindrum!