Hi everyone. I have not been sleeping well at all . Maybe 3 hours /night . Less prob. I hate this. It almost seems too much . I just feel at the end of my rope. I know I complain allot . My husband will tell you that . This sucks ! Take care all I think I might try tossing and turning some more . Thats always fun. Or maybe count a few 1000 more sheep. Good night !
Love Mandy
Hi Mandy,
I think the insomnia was the worst part of withdrawals for me. I felt like I was losing my mind. Can you take a hot bath? Does that help? Do you do any yoga or anything like that? Do OTC sleep medications work for you?
I think the insomnia was the worst part of withdrawals for me. I felt like I was losing my mind. Can you take a hot bath? Does that help? Do you do any yoga or anything like that? Do OTC sleep medications work for you?
Yes I have tryed the bath . It does help my legs . As for making me sleep no. Otc meds seem to work for the first hour or so then its up and stay up all night. Even if I do take more . It is so hard to go though wd then not sleep then have to perform for the family as if life is as it should be . I know that this is not suppost to be easy but man this is too much. I just want some damn shut eye. A good 5 staight hours would be so wonderful. I remember when I did not have to think about falling asleep . Just lay down then wake up 10 hours later. That was nice.
Dear mandy Im right here posting with you though I usially just linger & read the board when Im up.I cant wake the bf up for another hour(fishing)So Im just waiting for my coffee to get done.Ill be sitting here reading & searching tide condirions.Sorry I dont know a magical cure for no sleep...just try & hang in & make time for yout body to rest...mj
Try Melatonin. It's what makes your body sleep so it's a natural hormone. You can buy it at any drugstore and you take it 1 hour before you want to go to sleep. It says to take one, but I started with 2 since i had been going without sleep.
Yea, I know what you mean about not sleeping...it really sucks!!!
I am going thru major sleep problems myself lately!
Try some of the suggestions made here - hopefully they will work for you.
I am going to the store today to get some sleep inducing things!!
My fingers are crossed for all of us going thru sleep deprivation!!
Hi Mandy,
Sleep has been hell for me as well. The last two days I have been able to go to bed around 10:00pm and fall asleep on my own, but come 6:00am I am wide awake. I had my doctor give me a perscription for Ambien. I asked for only 15 pills and only took them as a last resort. Nothing else worked for me. If you do get them make sure you go to bed as soon as you take it. I stayed up for about 30 minutes one night and ended spilling a whole bowl of Frankenberry cereal all over the couch. It works.
It won't last forever. Hang in there.
Sleep has been hell for me as well. The last two days I have been able to go to bed around 10:00pm and fall asleep on my own, but come 6:00am I am wide awake. I had my doctor give me a perscription for Ambien. I asked for only 15 pills and only took them as a last resort. Nothing else worked for me. If you do get them make sure you go to bed as soon as you take it. I stayed up for about 30 minutes one night and ended spilling a whole bowl of Frankenberry cereal all over the couch. It works.
It won't last forever. Hang in there.