
Check out the dopplar... lol

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I think Carol took a short road trip today. I hope she doesn't have any problems getting home. It looks bad. Do you have to drive today Stacey? Be careful.
yea, i'm at work right now. Gotta go get Kaylin at her 'school' and then go home... It looks like night outside. I hope she's ok, now I'm worried...

How are you Atlas? I hope you're doing great!

Love ya
stacey ~

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i'm happy as a clam in high tide!

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love ya ~

I am not, we have an ice storm. No snow just ice.
iiiiiiiiice! iiiiiiiseeeeeeee, you poor little thing. i don't do ice well either!'s an's only an 80 mile shot down I-95. shall i defrost two more steaks, as we are cooking out tonight? <beg>

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Hey Stacey, honey, I hope you're OK! I didn't even know about that weather, it was pretty far south of me, but in your area.
Thanks for thinking of me. I was in LaGrange today and the weather there was great.