Hi I just wanted to find out how you are doing. Been going over past posts and have been reading yours and I have to say that I think it is awesome that you could actually taper down and then finally quit this beast. The whole act of tapering in itself shows your strength and determination. I mean how many times have we all at some point said that we would slowly cut back and then boom something happens - the wind blows a certain way and we find an excuse why we need the pills full throttle. The fact that you were able to do this gradually gets a standing ovation from me and I am sure others.
Something in one of your posts caught my eyes and I wondered about it. Did I read that you work in a hospital? What do you do there? If you are kicking this and while working in the very setting that condones pill usage you are my hero....
I do work in a hospital but am not a medical person. I am in the ER and constantly here about give them this or give them that. Hear about the drug seekers. See the people coming in for detox. 16 year old heroin attacks. This hospital is in the suburbs not inner city. Problems are everywhere. Today is day three and I feel pretty good today. I've got work at 3pm and I think I'm gonna make it in. Then I'm off for five days. I think they taper was uncomfortable in itself but made these past couple of days alot less painful. I was not climbing any walls. I did take an ativan each evening. As soon as I loose the terrible edginess that arrives in the afternoon, I will ditch them. I don't like feeling tired. Everyone says beware of the ativan but I don't abuse them ever. Hate them actually. I've been taking aleve and immodium and drinking alot of water. I've got some telling on myself to do and I will. I'm just trying to get through today right now. Thanks so very much for the Cheer for me. It made my day. How are you doing?