Child Question???

Ok, i am going crazy today!! gee whats new. of my twins has learned how to get out of her crib, i can not get her down for a nap for the life of me, what should i do??????, please help i am going nuts!!! sorry i had to ask, this stress triggers me alot! thanks all...
Ah yes mitzy i remeber it well lol. as soon as my two children learnt the art of climbing out i changed then to a bed i was so worried about them hurting themselves. not much help but it sure helped me become less woriied jackie xxx
Hey Mitzy, toddler bed time, it's better than falling out head first, lol. Love, Kat
Yeah I remember when the kids started getting out of the crib. I sure did spend alot of money on duct tape back then! lmao................Take care............Bob
Bob, your one funny guy, lol...anyways i have one bed already for jayde shes the calm one, but Jasmine OMG, shes so crazy!! hehe.... but also in addition to getting out of the crib she strips all of her clothes off!! ahhhhh..i must change her 20 million times.... so i guess i need another bed. omg if its not one thing its another.... there b-days are on Jan 24th and they will both be 2 years old already!!! my, my, my how time flyes when your going ya all....
Hey Mitzy......Your lucky my son was escaping shortly after his first birthday......he was so tall........
Dont you just love the baby story eh lol jackie xx
They are so entertaining....better than TV, they keep you on yours toes and always find a way to make you laugh!
A women told me this once, over here if your child is under 5 they get to travel on busses for free so she told me that she told her child who was 5 to say he was 4 if asked, so they promptly got on the bus her son looks up and says " im 4 but i used to be 5" i was cracked up lol jackie xx
LOL Jackie....that was cute
Mine now are in the process of bribing me, they cleaned the table, swept the floor and are actually washing the dinner dishes......They want friends to sleep over........
God Bless you Mitzi, I don't think I could handle twins. And thats a tough age. I used to (and I don't suggest it because you'll never get time alone) when they started getting out of the crib, is lay down with them till they fell asleep and then sneak out, but I wouldn't recommend it, because you'll just lay there waiting for them to fall asleep, or fall asleep yourself, so I guess I don't have any advice just SYMPATHY. God bless you. You have alot going on with raising twins, especially since they're so little. How in the world do you do it?
Hey brair how you doing hun not heard from you in ages?????????? jackie xxx
Hey tina did the bribe work??????mj
Nope......I aint that easy.....but I didn't have to do any dishes yah for me......I hate the dishes!
ooops I did it again.Im a post jumper sorry......That song post is getting real long I feel lost on it.......mj
Hello all, thanks for your advise it is reallllly hard, but i know that i have to do it so i do! hehe,,,,,as a matter of fact they just woke up, oh brother let the games begin!!! love ya all, .........
Hi Jackie,
I'm doing okay, thanks for asking. I'm up and down, don't know if anything is wrong with me or not, think I just may need to put some distance between me and the drugs before I can determine if anything is wrong with me or not.
How about you kiddo? Good to see your name again. Love you.
Brair i know what you mean about sorting out whats what when clean im still in the process of sorting out my body 4 months now but im still clean thx to the site in glad your back hun i for one missed ya jackie xxxxxx