Good afternoon Chris, I was thinking about you and your family today and wanted to know how things went with your wife today.
I hope you don't mind me starting a thread and asking about it. If you do, just disregard this! LOL. Well, I hope you are doing well, and please know we all care here and are pulling for all of you involved in this situation.
All the best,
Lynn, I was about to post and let everyone know how things went and say your post.. It didn't go well.. They did a UA in jail on sunday and she was still hot from last monday.. Not sure how that could be but that is what they said.. Also the lab results had not come back because there machine had been broken.. so they are going to leave her in there for another week.. won't know anything again til next tuesday.. another week of painful waiting.. I am getting really tired of this hurt I am going through without her here.. Chris..