Christmas Pictures....

Put up your Christmas pictures! I tried to post one and it's not working but I'll keep trying...
Got it..

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You look happy and beautiful. Hubby's not too shabby either!
Gorgeous pic! I can't believe how long your hair has gotten!!! Love it!
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My middle son and his wife at Christmas dinner.
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Oldest Jason and wife Cara...
Great pics Lisa.I don't understand why when you hit image it has that message?
I cant open the pics.? It can't be just my computer.
I posted some of these when it snowed here.
i don't understand it either, I still have to use photobucket and it's a pain. I have more to post but it'll have to wait...taking Dad in for a CAT scan today. Long story. Anyway, love the pict of the dog. Too funny. And of you too, my handsome friend....
Wow, GF, your hair IS long...looks awesome, very youthful, you cutie pie =)

My house is in a state still, stuff in boxes in the basement while the bathroom and entryway get completed...plumbers, painting, all that inconvenient stuff that gets the job done, so no pics for me at the moment, but when a sister or other sib send me some holiday photos I'll put'em up.

What's the pic posting problem? I don't get it and photobucket works great...really user-friendly.
Thank you...photobucket isn't that bad it's that it would be easier to use ARG's image button but it won't work as Tim and I can attest too. I'm really technically challenged so it may be just me.

Can't wait to see some pictures from more's been too long since we've had a photo thread. I decided not to put picts up of the grandkids though....the last time didn't go too well.