Chronic Pain

I was wondering for those like me who need meds for chronic pain, are we addicts? I do know that if I run out I go through the wonderful withdrawl symtoms but my pain levels go through the roof. I can't walk well , have tons of spasms and I find it hard to do normal daily living. ie: housework.

My husband seems to think even though I have nerve damage, 2 rods in my back, 2 vertabres fused together w/o surgery along with that 6 '' screw rubbing on my spinal cord I am an addict.

I know that if I have my meds, I can sweep the floor , do laundry , dishes and go out and feed my animals( have a farm) w/o the meds I can't hardly move.

I also have osteoarthritis and osteoperosis in my spine and hip . Bone spurs ect. Please advise. Thanks so much, you guys are great... Raggedy Ann
RA, I just bumped up a post about Addiction vs Dependency, there are alot of opinions about this.

I suffer from chronic pain also, though I am not a pill addict (yet, and I am being very careful to not be) my drug of choice was Cocaine.
Ann I understand your pain.

You ask are you an addict? What meds do you take for your pain? Do you take as prescribed. Do you go tall lengths to be healthy to your body? food intake exercise positive thinking.

For me I have gooddays bad days and some ugly mother puckin days. I use suboxone for the winter months which seem to work okay. i still have pain but have managed to work and have not missed a day.

Suboxone ist the only opiate that does not affect my breathing(Asthma) and it helps with my voice and arthritis. Not perfect but it helps so i take it for now.

Most opiates made my pain worse. Are you an addict? Is your life unmanageable.

Did you abuse meds?

Ann nobody should suffer. What can you take? If your able to get relief and not have to increase the dose? I would certainly take anything that would take my pain away ans enable me to live a productive life.

Pain sucks. You know I hate to be touched. It hurts in a lot of places. Just a simple touch. Tell that to a 7 yr old. I get bruised daily. Its tough.

When i think about it It gets me angry. It hurts as I type.

But Ann for me My Brain is my biggest asset. I fight my pain. I am quite educated on all my diseases.

I am always searching for new ways to deal with my pain. It all starts with your attitude IMO

By the way no disrespect but what you described is a heck of a combo and your husbands comment is your an addict?

Why does he say this? Does he support you? Being alone Like I am is tough. Are you alone or does your husband support you?

Feel good--Jeff
Hello Janet
Thanks for your reply.. I don't abuse them. When I have them I feel somewhat normal. Some pain still there but tolerable...My husband gives me his opinion. He won't take a tylenol no matter how ill .
He pays for my Dr. visits and meds. He see's what I can and can't do with or with out the meds.
I thought if I could see my back, I would sterilize it open it and remove the screw and rods. But again there are so many othe issues there too. I'm so sick of pain !
I take 30 mg of oxycodone ..3 a day
In another thead you said that you ran out of your meds early. That's a sign of abuse.

And again, you need to be really honest with your dr. Be accountable.

Of course you're dependant on the pain pills, your body needs them to function but mentally? That's up to you. Always be honest, take as directed, don't self medicate and you'll be ok. Some people just don't have a choice but to take them, your quality of life becomes an issue.

I had been on 4 a day and went down to 3 a day. With the holidays and standing on my feet, I did take more. I had break though pain. The grandbabies over , wanting tractor rides, cooking, making candles. I'm not making any excuse. I know I took more than normal. My grandson will ask , Nana, why can't you walk right , don't you feel good. It takes alot to entertain the kids who don't know and who are innocent....Thanks guys. Honesty is the best policy
Okay you take pain meds. What else do you do to deal with your pain. Most people who have chronic pain suffer from depression.

Ann do you have an addiction specialist? You need a good one. To treat your diseases pain and depression. Seek one.

Opiates add to the depression. This is why itrs imperative you do EVERYTHING to help yourself.

Eat exercise positive thinking and ANY stress you are able to delete? hit the button.-and get rid of that stress.

Good night
My Dr . did put me on an anti depressent. Celexa..I try guided inaging too. I really an limited with exercise due to my back . No movement there..... Thanks
Ann I started at 180+ pounds and could barely walk 5 minutes. Not to sound like a doctor? You must exercise. Even 5-minutes will only lead to 6 minutes.

Man you have been through a train wreck.

Get to a pool- if you can.-You can walk in the water. That's how I built myself up. I know weigh 148 pounds walk 30 minutes only as i was told not to push it.

Man Ann that sucks. Do you live in a warm climate? Man it helps with my pain.

Hang in there Ann


Raggedy...I also take oxycodone .....15 mgs. 4x a day...down from 6-7....your body will build a tolerance and I do understand about the holidays.You see as an addict I am in a catch-22....I hate the pills and am in the process of weaning off, but I really don't know if I can function w/o,,,,gonna try....sorry for your pain. I also had 2 back surgeries and have titanium rods...along with Lupus it's a lot to deal with at times. You know when you are being honest and when you are not....I am learning for the first time in my life how to actually take as rxed,,,,,what a concept. Feel better......Sharonn
Help me to understand, please. If you have pain and are not abusing your meds (to me, abusing is taking them for the buzz and not the pain), why do you want to get off them? I think I took them for actual pain once and that's it so all I know is taking them for the buzz. Is it that they've stopped working? That you are taking too many?
Hey Kat hope you had a nice hoilday!!!
RA...Its a very fine line we walk when we have true legit pain yet we are addicts.I feel you probaly are an addict(like lisa said if you ran out early)
I can see that you are being wise by wanting to get off those.THEY are some heavy duty pain killers & can be so dangerous!!!
Is there anything else that can help your pain?Please know Im not saying...Oh you NEED PPs but I do understand Chronic pain & NOBODY should have to live like that.
As far as you questioning you being an addict...Huny if you are (which I truley feel you may be)there is NO SHAME in it.
Do you realize how many DIE because they are too ashamed to admit they have a problem with thier meds?
may I please hear more of your story as Ive been gone a bit & would like to know more
You might find answers to some of your questions at the following website, which provides resources and support for chronic pain sufferers. Hope it helps.
12 Stepper...I don't even have an answer to that question, except for the fact that I had abused vicodin throuout the 90's and a lot of very bad stuff occurred in my life due to it...I suppose it always will remind me of "those days" BF says the same thing...we both know it is different now but just having pills around can trigger some very painful memories. Plus, I know I am developing a tolerance so I take a small amount at least one day a week and stay in bed as to not exacerbate pain. You see, just walking around hurts. I cannot mentally stay in bed all day...every day. Yeah...then I could probably do w/o. But I love to be as active as possible and I get depressed when I feel helpless. I do believe in using other modalities in conjunction with meds. Swimming, walking. and any tolerated exercise. Also diet and last, but not least, spirituality. By far my biggest obstacle was learning to control my need to be "perfect". It almost destroyed me. Spotless house,pristine grooming,bla bla bla....the list is endless. I would keep pushing myself until I was exhausted and hurting. It was not good...but abuse of my body. Now it is law for me to be in bed by 9:00...watching TV, laundry or cleaning. There was a time I literally could not leave the house with a fork in the sink....I know....serious issues....but I have gotten better.I have learned to let it go..the dustballs under the bed will be there tomorrow. My BF is pretty spoiled...used to his laundry folded just right....dinner on the table and he has never lifted a finger. I have to say I created a monster. If I ask for help, he is pretty good. But now he is having surgery so I need to take care of him. what you gotta do...just be mindful of how cunning those seemingly benign pills can be..they are serious stuff...anyone who has CTed off them knows it's no walk in the park. Take care...Sharonn
I think maybe (& Im not sure)but maybe she wants off such a heavy med.As we all know what shes on is real hard & harder still to kick.That may be the reason.I feel if she can control her pain on something less potent it would be better???Again I may be wrong on this but this is just my thoughts on this