Clonidine For Withdrawls?

I heard that Clonidine used for blood pressure can help with oxy withdrawls. Does anyone know anything about this? I have access to this and was wondering if it covers the mental withdrawls as well. Thanks guys
Clonidine is used as part of symptomatic relief of opiate withdrawal syndrome. It is often prescribed with other drugs that may include buscopan, immodium, quinine, diazepam.

It does not help with cravings or the emotional aspect of withdrawals. In detox, it should be prescribed by a Dr and you need to be monitored for hypotension and other side effects.

If you need more information on clonidine protocols please email me
Warhead... I am just coming out of w/d's from Vicodin, and my doctor put me on a similar drug called Terazosin 2mg from my BP going thru w/d's because I was having horrible night sweats. Also, he gave me a small script for Xanax to help with sleeping. This combo worked for me, and Monday he told me I could stop the Terazosin, checking my BP was good. He did talked to me about starting me on Clonidine, but thought Terazosin would be a better choice.... Good luck to you! Bee
Silent Partner, you rock!!!!
yes, it definitely helps, but do not do it without a prescritption( a real Dr.), as it is a BP medication and lowers ur BP, which can be dangerous. It works by 'tricking' the opiate receptors in ur brain. But be prepared to kind of sit on ur as$ for at least a while, cause while u r on them, u r not all that functional (they don't get u high, just kinda not real functional.) There are even some detox hospitals, that , from what I understand, use them almost exclusively for the first few days, and u just sleep. In that case, u obviously have to be under strict Dr. control, with ur vitals, etc,because if ur BP gets too low, I guess u just stop living. But it definitely helped me a lot several years back when i went thru methadone wd's, and I reccomend it,as long as a Dr. is involved.
hi, just to let you know you have got to be really careful taking clonadine. it was given to me as part as my detox but i was in hospital on clonadine my bp actually went down to 60/20 which is life threatening .i also had to drink 3 litres of fluid a day .which if all of you who have gone through withdrawals is near impossible .i am a medical professional myyself and cannot stress enough the importance of being cloesly monitored when on clonadine. i wish you all the best with your fight to get off your doc love dede xxx