Silent Partner briefly outlined an alternative to buprenorphine for opiate addicts in another post. Anyone familiar with this "recipe"? Does it work for methadone? My doctor is a GP and I would appreciate the opportunity to take some specific info to him. I am still waivering on how to deal with this methadone problem. So far my options, as I see them, are: switch to norco (my original pain med) then taper; switch to bupe then taper; just quit and address the withdrawl symptoms with other medications. The slow taper I have been doing off methadone is becoming unbearable to both me and my family. Thanks for any info.
Hi Scarlet,
Not sure what this drug is 4. We are all willing to help but I have to know some more about the situation. What it does? How much r u taking? What is your presc. dose from doctor?
R u wanting to get clean or manage your intake. Not always a bad thing to take as presc. if it is really helping with your problem.
Sorry so many questions but we will all will ask these questions n order to help.
Thinking of u,
Not sure what this drug is 4. We are all willing to help but I have to know some more about the situation. What it does? How much r u taking? What is your presc. dose from doctor?
R u wanting to get clean or manage your intake. Not always a bad thing to take as presc. if it is really helping with your problem.
Sorry so many questions but we will all will ask these questions n order to help.
Thinking of u,
I want to stop the methadone since I no longer have the chronic pain I had after 2 surgeries last fall. As I have written before, I think pain meds lead to depression if they are no longer treating pain. I have terrible depression even though I started Zoloft in January. I have tapered down to 30 mg. methadone (15mg 2x per day). Before the surgeries I was taking as much as 120 mg per day along with Bextra and Neurontin. It is hard to believe I was able to stand up on that dose! I not longer take the Bextra or Neurontin but I am having a hard time getting off the Methadone even though I hate it. I also get panic attacks and am afraid of what detox would do to me. I really have been through enough, physically and mentally, and am just searching for the best way to stop the methadone.
Hi... just read the post on Clonodine.... I think that it is a lot like a drug called Terazosin. I just went through w/d's for the past 10 days (Vicodin) and my doctor put me on this drug to regulate my blood pressure... I was having horrible night sweats. It might be helpful to go online and read about the drug. It got me through w/d without night sweats, and help with sleeping. Good luck to you :) Shabee
Has your doctor addressed a way to taper off the methadone? Some people say it is harder to get off than the drup itsself. I haven't had methadone before but from what i have learned here i will not ever try it, at least I don't think so. Have they tried to wean you down on methadone? Many people have said they did it that way.
I have withdrawals from xanex, loratab and soma. I have run out before and the sight was not pretty. But slowly I am weaning at home, which I know u have to choice but to go to the clinic. Call a good phycologist and talk with him/her and they will be understanding and may offer a different route to get rid of the methadone without a addicting drug.
I hope more people will help with this response, and become a support team for u. I have been looking on the web for methadone withdrawal. Will get info when I can find something that sounds like it is good plan.
But hang on we will all help each other, Kyra
I have withdrawals from xanex, loratab and soma. I have run out before and the sight was not pretty. But slowly I am weaning at home, which I know u have to choice but to go to the clinic. Call a good phycologist and talk with him/her and they will be understanding and may offer a different route to get rid of the methadone without a addicting drug.
I hope more people will help with this response, and become a support team for u. I have been looking on the web for methadone withdrawal. Will get info when I can find something that sounds like it is good plan.
But hang on we will all help each other, Kyra
Just thought I would pop in and say I used the clonidine patches when detoxing from methadone. I think they pills hit your system faster. If your doctor could give you pills that would be great! Also keep in mind the patch comes in 3 strengths. They are 1, 2 and 3. I would see if he would give you the # 3's . They are called Catapres Patches. They worked alright for me, suboxone would probably be a serious blessing for you though, if you can get it. Good luck,Rae
i used the recipe that silent partner described, it worked ok for me but i wasn't coming off of meth. i was coming off of xanax vicodin and soma's. i cocktailed them and was using in amounts of approx 30-40 pills a day combination of all 3. i detoxed for 5 days with the meds silent partner posted. the cramping medicine worked awesome, the clonidine helped alot. i was achey and jumpy but i lived in the hot tub and kept as busy as possable. but from what rae says about meth i dont think my doc even compares. i just wanted to share my experience with that "recipe" but i also used prayer and meditation along with tons of pampering myself.
i used the recipe that silent partner described, it worked ok for me but i wasn't coming off of meth. i was coming off of xanax vicodin and soma's. i cocktailed them and was using in amounts of approx 30-40 pills a day combination of all 3. i detoxed for 5 days with the meds silent partner posted. the cramping medicine worked awesome, the clonidine helped alot. i was achey and jumpy but i lived in the hot tub and kept as busy as possable. but from what rae says about meth i dont think my doc even compares. i just wanted to share my experience with that "recipe" but i also used prayer and meditation along with tons of pampering myself.
clonidine detox can work for meth as longas the daily dose isnt too high, but I would suggest a switch to suboxone as the best option.