
I am on day 6 of no codeine. I basically did the cold turkey thing and it hasn't been too too bad, except the gastrointestinal distress, and diarhea. Has anyone else experienced the racing heart with withdrawal? That is the worst of all. When does this all stop? I have been addicted for 2 years.
Congrats on Day # 6. Most of your symptoms will be over soon. If you still have the racing heart after a few more days see if you can get into a doctor.
It is very common to have that and panic attacks while going through a withdrawl. Also you may want to go get some Immodium AD, that will keep you out of the bathroom for a while! Take care and hang in there. Your doing great! Rae
Thanks Rae, I feel better. The racing heart kind of comes and goes but mostly I just feel like I have a huge gas bubble running through me. I just needed to know it was normal. Yesterday I felt great but today is the worst, why I don't know
Yes it is very common to have abdominal cramping, diarrhea, body aches, panic attacks, racing heart, sweating, fatigue,restless legs, headache and a few more. It won't be too much longer. You used for a long time, your body needs to get back to normal. Everyone is different but everyday you should feel better. Get some of these things.

Immodium AD
Comtrex Cold and Flu( Day and night time pills) they work good for sleep too
Banana's and pottassium pills for restless legs
Motrin( 800 mgs) body aches, headaches etc.
B-12 ( energy) The lozenges 1000 mcg -that dissolve under your tongue
Hot bathes and exercise when possibe. Even if you just make yourself take a walk it may help break some of that gas up or try Gas-X or something.

Good luck and keep me posted! Rachel

Ps. I had the racing heart while going through withdrawls, even a month after. Then I found out I was having panic attacks and that they are common during withdrawl. You said the racing heart comes and goes. Do you feel pressure in your chest, a feeling like your paniced? If so that might be what it is. Just tell yourself your ok, your not having a heart attack remind yourself of where you are, drink some water and it shall pass! If it gets to the point where you feel something is really wrong just call 911.
Thanks Rachel, yes I do feel the pressure in the chest and I guess I could be working myself into a state of anxiety. I have run everyday since quitting and today is the only day I haven't - maybe that is why I feel worse. I definetly feel better when exercising.
Anyways, I live in a small town and refuse to tell my Dr. as he is a close personal friend and I am embarassed so it is good to hear other people's opinions. I feel now like I will definetly be ok
I am sure you will be just fine..Excerise is the best medicine. You will have more energy and it will take your mind off everything. It will help you sleep better at night too. I try and do sit-ups everyday, I have been slacking lately but when I do I feel great!
Keep up the good work, it will get better for you I promise!
Have a great weekend. Nice talking to you. I will check in tomorrow and see how your feeling. Rae
Thanks again Rae, hopefully tommorrow will be better. It is a crazy thing how your body works and hurts while fighting this demon. No wonder people can't quit. I still feel like I was healthier on the drug then I am now - I am a mess. However, I am functioning and noone knows. I realized that today I could be worse because I refused to take ibuprofen - I don't know why - I just thought I would tough it out, I have relented and just taken 2 of them. Hopefully that will help.

Thanks again
What were you addicted to Rae?
Hey Braeden, have you made your plan yet for staying clean? Most all of us find getting clean is the easy part, staying that way is alot harder. Have you tried an NA meeting yet? Good luck, love, Kat
No I have not made a "staying clean" plan yet. At this point I just need to get there and hopefully I will remember this hell and never go back. I am a very disciplined person but do intend to get some counselling as well. do you have any tips on withdrawal and the symptoms I have?
Braeden....hey and welcome to the board..........congratulations on 6 days clean! Great start! You are almost to the finish line with the physical part. The post above by RAE73 is pretty much 100% of the symptoms. Not much else to tell you.

The staying clean part is the hardest. Counseling is great and willpower will help, but I have found it takes more than that. Please stay openminded about NA. Take care and good luck!
Just wanted to see how your feeling now? I know I told you I would check back on Sunday but I have been busy. I haven't forgotten about you though. Please let me know how your doing today!!! Take care! Rae
Hey Rae,

Well day 9 - yesterday was SO good compared to today. Do you think it is normal that my back is SOOOO completely sore?? I guess yesterday was so good that I thought today would be amazing. The heart racing has calmed down a ton which is good. What you said really helped. My stomach is still pretty bloated and gassy but I am functioning on about a 80% level so I can't complain. I just wish it was over and done with. Today was the first day I felt sad that pain pills are a thing of the past for me. I realize that I cannot handle even one or I will relapse. I have two kids and all I need to do is look in their eyes and know I am doing the right thing. I am actually a marathon runner so I find I get a high from my running and that will have to be sufficient.

Thanks for all your help