Coming Off Methadone

I was an agnostic who ended up in a spiritually based recovery home in 1989 run by a priest.

There was no drugs for symptoms and we were in for a 90 day program.
I had been an alcoholic for 30 yrs, and weed/Valium for 15 yrs as well.
I was 45 yrs old and I was in $hit !! .....

Fast forward through those 90 days and into AA/NA and today I am alcohol/drug free for 25 yrs.

I believe the trick is not to say what I won't do to recover, but I will do what is required to recover.

A friend said at a meeting the other day something that rocked me and made me laugh.
He said there was only 2 things he couldn't tolerate when he was drinking/using .....
1) The way things were.
2) Change !!

It reminded me that if I am stubborn and not open to change ... that nothing will change.

I hope that helps.

All the best.

Bob R
I am 29 been on methadone since 2010. i was up too 8.oml of methadone or 80mg in tang. I have decided to come off and have dropped down to 18mg now. I am using medical helps with the insomnia, aches and pains. it helps relax ur muscles and promote healing in ur brain, by firing up our receptors. moodswings are less and its just easier to get through the day. we produce natural cannabinoids ,its safe natural and of course it not addictive, nor life threatening. the research is unrevealing all the lies around it that the gov has tried to hide but why not help the people if there is something out there that works and is safe. my docs have passed all my urine screens with the use of cannabis since the day I started the mine program. if it want for mj I would never come off.
man im day 7 off methadone. and to be honest, other than mild sleeplessness (restless legs) my methadone detox has been a breeze. Ive read this stuff for years and was terrified to get off of it, but i was mentally ready.. I think because my head wanted off this garbage, the withdrawals never come.. Saying that i tapered from 80mg to 1 mg over the course of 1 it slowly and it doesnt have to be a nightmare like everyone online types about.. you rarely hear the good stories, only the bad!! TRUST ME, Day 7 and i feel like a brand new person.
and kevlar is 100% right... marijuana is a mircle. clonedine wont touch my RLS,but if i smoke a bowl when my nervous system is going haywire, i can relax and fall right asleep!!!! f@ck clonedine, serequel, benzos, all that s***.. marijuana saves lives,, #reals***
hi , my family and i are trying to help my nephew off methadone . He is a high dose user and also has other mental health issues, I wondered if anyone had any tips on alternative programs such as yoga or anything non chemical that has helped them alongside the methadone . Also at what point should a doctor start lowering the dosage , he seems to have stayed on the same forever? We are all in the dark and would truly appreciate any straight up advise. we do not want to abandon him , so really could do with honest input if we can help in any way, many thanks
How old is your nephew? Does he WANT to get of methadone?

I haven't met an alcoholic/addict of my type that didn't have "mental health issues".
That's why we drank/used .....

I (and millions of others) found a program of recovery in AA/NA that treats not just our DOC (drug of choice) but all of our other "issues" (mental/physical/emotional/spiritual).

Here is a brief description of how AA works (it applies to Narcotics Anonymous as well)

Tell your nephew to look up NA in the phone book or on-line at
He can give them a call and get on the road to recovery. He has to call, not you.

All the best.

Bob R
im 28 yrs old n was snorting oxy 80s like they were going out of style for about 2 years before i got on a 80mg dose of methadone. dont ask me now why i insisted on going up in dose to 80 mg. I felt great off the initial 25mg or whatever. I stayed on methadone for over 4 years and slowly tapered using the typical 10% dose reduction. i tapered slowly over nearly the last year and a half of my 4 yr methadone deal. When i hit 12mg i felt wd so i went back up to 14 for roughly 2 weeks than continued down.. Then again once i hit 3 mg i slowly started having restless boughts while trying to fall asleep (not the worst ive experienced with pills) totally tolerable. two mg was the same thing but i stayed at 2 mg forover a month. Than for my last 2 weeks i did a 1mg on even days, and 2 mg on odd days.. Then my holidays at work began (i had 4 weeks banked to take at xmas just to do this). i literally just stopped going to my clinic three weeks ago, and other than a little bit of restlessness when i lay down, i havent had anything to cry about.. no s***s, no vomitting, no depression, no drugs thoughts, no laziness. I dont know what the hells going on. I dont sleep in my bed with my gf anymore, ive been sleeping on blankets on the hard floor cuz for some reason it helps me sleep.. And to be honest, pot may play a huge part in how comfortable my coming off methadone has been.. OR MAYBE I WAS JUST MENTALLY READY>>> DONT SYCH URSELF OUT> I GOT OFF METHADONE WITH NEXT TO NO WITHDRAWLS!!!!
Hi I have absolutely no support system I have no family all my friends are still addicts so I have no friends and anyone who isnt an addict has no idea what I am talking about or going through and they run if I even bring up the topic so I have kept to myself I tried to go to a NA meeting In the city I live in to find some support but when I got there it was filled with all the drug addicts I knew who were only there because they were court ordered to do so or they would go back to jail and they were still using and selling dope in the meeting so I have not gone back I reLly really wish it was not like that because I really need to find some kind of a support system even just someone to call who understands what I am talking about and can redirect my negative thoughts that are eating me alive I originally was addicted to hydro morphine due to needing a surgery and the wait lists are huge in Canada I have still not recieved it however I have now due to withdrAwals from coming down off of methadone it's not even close to the top of my issue list anymore there is no where that will accept me to take me off of methadone and from everything I have read and trust me I have spent months and months trying to find a different way to jump off to come to the conclusion I am just going to have to deal with this slow dreadful process my Dr will only bring me down 2 mgs every 2nd week and I still get sick from that more now that I am starting to get lower than I initially I at my top dose was at 150 and have managed to get down to 88 right now so I have come a long ways but I still have a long path ahead of me and I am running out of energy right now I cannot imagine doing this for another year and some I know not all days are bad some are worse then others but when a bad day comes it makes you forget any good day that has happened or to believe that another will come again. If anyone on here is listening still I could really use a support friend even if I can just email text call you anything would help as this is my biggest issue not having anyone's support I guess I will post my email address on here thanks to anyone who's listened

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Hi lost soul- i have no direct experience of methadone, but i am an alcoholic and pain pill addict- i have had a fair amount of experience of withdrawal symptoms over the years- i have been both medically de-toxed and have detoxed myself on many occasions- it is hell at times-you are going to have to tough it out- you gotta remember the end game-a whole new life free from the drugs that have been running and ruining your/my life- i quit pain killers last september and i still have some pretty dark days but the good ones more than make up for these-if NA is not available try your local AA-its all about addiction the substance doesent really matter-i found the people on this site a great help when i was struggling-so keep posting on here-why not start a recovery diary you can vent your feelings here-you will get no criticism or judgement here only help and support-we have all been through the same c..p regardless of our DOC- hang in there - stay strong- you can do this- you only have to go through this once - do not give up on yourself- you are worth the effort-best of luck- remember you are not alone-we are all in this s..t fight together-
Hello Lost soul:

Where are you in Canada? I'm near Windsor, ON.

As far as NA meetings you will certainly find the losers who are dealing and playing the system.
You will also find the winners who are working the program and recovering.
Those are the ones to hang with.

My recovery began in Brentwood Recovery Home in Windsor 1989.

Google them and give them a call for cost and availability. It is a no-nonsense, no-meds spiritually based program that will get you clean if you need it..

You will find The 12 Steps and those that work them at every NA meeting.
Seek them out and they will show you how to save your life.

All the best.

Bob R
Hey all.

I have been on methadone for about 4 years now, I'm 28 years old. I dropped from 120 to 105 and didn't feel the difference. I am starting the "voluntary withdrawal" at my Clinc. Unfortunately the next time I can get in to see the doctor is February 16th. I am desperate to get off of this stuff so that I don't have to rely on taking medication every da y to feel "normal". I have spent months researching ways to break free and all I ever come across are horror stories. Until this blog, I have NEVER seen anyone say that they had successfully kicked methadone- and that scared the crap out of me. But I'm 28, I have absolutely ZERO desire to "use", I have a good job, I own a home and I am engaged to be married and I want to start a family within the next couple years. But I want to be SOBER for it. I am going to do the slow taper. I will drop 10 mgs a month until the WD gets to be too much. Then I will drop less and slower. I don't want to go through this more than once - so I have to make sure i do it right. I know the end game will be worth it. Fortunately for me, I have a very supportive family, a great fianc and good friends who want to see me succeed. I wish that I could go back and stop myself from ever using in the first place, but I know that isn't possible. Back when I started "popping pills" I did it because I liked to party and I didn't know they were addictive. I would've taken anything back in those days to have a good time.

My biggest concern about breaking free of this stuff is that I have a full time job, i have a mortgage, I'm engaged etc. I can't afford to taper down and then enter a detox or anything like that. I don't want to ruin my relationship either, because my fianc truly is the greatest person I have ever met. What I would like to know from some of you guys who have gotten off of the methadone- were you able to continue working & functioning? If so, how? What did you do? IF you were NOT able to continue working - why not? Any and all advice is MORE than appreciated. I know I can do this, but I need all the help I can get.

thank you in advance for ANY and ALL insight
If you don't get free then your job, mortgage (house) and fiance will be gone soon anyway.

Let's put "First things first".... If you put recovery/sobriety first then all else will last.
If you put sobriety after job/house/mate then you will lose them all in the end.

I hope that clears some things up.
AA & NA helped/helps me get and maintain my life today and enables me to grow.

All the best.

Bob R

I wanna think everyone for sharing their story. ..I found this post by Google "How to get off Methadone" . I can't get into detail right now about my addiction because I'm now at work but I just wanna say I understand what everyone is going through. I will come back, thank you guys for this post.
I am SO glad you found this site!
When I first came upon it in August 2011, I, too, was looking for info on methadone and addiction for a newsletter I write each month at my clinic and there was no methadone board at all. I had been looking all over the internet for something like this and found nothing. I emailed the fine people who started this wonderful website and asked why there wasn't a methadone board.( There was a definite need for information, especially to those who use it daily, a board that I personally wanted to be, as truthful as possible in all aspects of the knowledge of methadone treatment, detoxing, dosing, laws, the list was endless. Having those who are on it giving their thoughts, whether good or bad.) They emailed me back, having agreed with my thoughts on the subject and within just a short time there it was!
I am so happy to see the response it has gotten although it did take a little while to get rolling. I get so much from this site and the people I have met over the years through it. Methadone is a tool that can be used to stop opiate addiction and I count my blessings that it is available to those who need it. Of course it wouldn't be what it is without the people who take their time to post here and give advice, and you all know who you are. Thank you!

Almost a year since the last post here, but maybe someone will see this. My name is Tyler I'm 30 years old. Spent a few years addicted to oxy and fent patches. Started methadone almost 2 years ago now. First 60 then 120 now 75. I'm drinking only half my drinks though and saying to myself if it gets bad I can drink the rest. If I make it through the day then I dispose if the remainder dose. I'm taking chlonidine for anxiety caused by WD (in my opinion the mental WD is worse then physical) I've started boxing training. My legs wobble, I sweat profusely, my mouth is dry. I will not give in. My psych dr wrote a letter for me to give to a dr suggesting I be put on some very light and long acting benzo to be taken when needed. But cause I'm a junkie NO dr will write the script. So all I have is the chlonidine. I've wasted so much of my life snorting dope. Now I'm in bondage to a pharmasist with methadone. I cry and yearn for freedom. My very being is begging my mind to break this addiction and re claim my life. But I feel so alone in this battle. Like inam the only one who battles these thoughts and feelings and demons. If anybody else out there feels alone or needs encouragement I'd love anybody else's tips or words of wisdom as well. Never stop fighting. Never quit. Knuckleup!

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guys ive been on methadone for over 15yrs.for chronic dr just died and i was stuck untill my primary care wrote it untill we get new pain dr.ive been taking 80 to 120mg a day.but i feel trapped and would like to quit but i really dont think i can make it through it.i have so much pain from failed back surgeries and amputation of some toes and the remaining are broke and dislocated beyond repair except more amputation.i was hoping to discuss with my new dr about a pain pump where i dont have to take pills anylonger.i do need something for pain it is that bad but comming off methadone is scary.its the only reason im able to still work.any suggestions please.thanks
for anyone looking to detox from methadone,

If you take the time to go through the many, many posts here written by people just like us, you will find, I think, that the best and safest way to detox from methadone is to #1. have a plan, #2, talk to your doctor to formulate that plan, and #3, do a VERY SLOW detox. I know of people who have done it and it will take time. Lots of it. But if you want to have a real chance at success then do it slowly over a long period of time, a little at a time and before you know it you'll be done.

Make sure to eat a healthy diet, get enough sleep, STAY HYDRATED, take the proper vitamins and/or supplements recommended by your doctor and stay motivated. I'm sure you'll have good days and bad days but keep in mind your ultimate goal. The worse case scenario? You stay on methadone.

good luck!

Hello everyone, so since the last time a posted this is where I'm at;
Last week my doc lowered my drink to 75ml (in tang dilute) when I told him I want off ASAP. He said nowAy hose A! He pretty much grouped in with all the other failures I see at the clinic daily. And that pissed m off. I'm not like them. And it hurt that this dr saw me in that light.
Now I don't need anyone coming on here and telling me my doc is just looking out for me and knows what's best. I don't need that. All I need is the kindest of encouragement and ONLY positive support and feedback.
So this is it. The 75ml drinks my doc gave me, I didn't need them all. I only drank half my drinks all week. And with little to no difference felt at all (the week before at 90ml I also drank half's and disposed the rest at a pharmacy). So I have a weeks supply of the remainder half doses. My body is sore, but I joined the gym and I excerise hard cause I'm a big dude. So that's what I associate the body pain to. I tell myself to like the pain.over and over again."it means i am getting stronger" I tell myself that all my opponents in life have not had to fight this battle, so I am stronger then them. I walk long distances up and down hills in the beaches daily and sprint jog. I do everything I can to refrain from just sitting around watching tv.
I've been seein a phyciatrists and it's helped. He says I have anxiety issues and to help he suggest a mild benzo. As well as Librium because it very long acting and will aid me in the battle to detox. I have seen every doctor in this city and no one will except the phyciatrists suggestion and wrote the prescription. However I did get a bottle of chlonidine. Now a friend of mine went through similar situation and was able to get himself a supply of Ativan. It helped I'm tremendously through his rapid detox. He had a handful left over so he has offerd it to me because there ain't a doc in the world that gives a s*** and wants to help me.
So I have a weeks supply of half (half of 75ml) drinks
30 Ativan 1mg
45 chlonidine .1mg
Robaxacet extra strength
Gatorade!! (Cause water sucks! It really really sucks! Or as my alcoholic father says " I drink beer, not water! Fish f@&! In water!")
I know everyone says "taper slowly" but that's not always best. And it's not always necessary. When I was in jail I saw numerous, numerous successful detoxes. Sometimes the best way is to lock yourself up and just get it over with. Slow taper is a way of "tricking" yourself into slowly taking it away until you don't notice it's gone. I'd rather be honest with myself and put in the hard work so that in the end, I can raise my head high and be a proud man again.
I'll be back in a couple days. And I'll be better. Don't ever let anyone tell you you are not strong enough to do something on your own. It will be the biggest lie you ever believe. People do amazing things everyday. Miracles happen.
Oh one more thing to add. MARIJUANA!! As much as possible!! Now research before purchasing weed. If you have anxiety issues, stay away from any sativa strains!!! They will elevate your heart rate, it produces a lot of euphoria with high amounts of THC but added anxiety. For opiate/methadone detox you MUST search for INDICA strains with very low to no THC content and very high CBD content. CBD and CBN have been medically proven to be a muscle relaxant, anti convulsive, and high levels of pain relief. CBN specifically will heavily induce sleep. This needs to be paid more attention too methadone dr's!!!! High doses of CBD and CBN act on your receptors the very same way opiates do!! And they actually help repair damaged receptors. CBD can replace opiates all together. But Dr's just want to be drug dealers and sell for pharmaceutical companies instead. Remeber stay away from sativa strains and THC. Stick with Indicas and CBD.
For those of you that don't know THC, CBD and CBN (among many others) are the main components or Cannabidoils found in marijuana. THC produces the "high" euphoric feeling. While CBD is a pain reliever and muscle relaxer. CBN induces sleep and will make you very hungry when you wake up.
Or you could just go to NA/AA like millions of us do.

I wish you the best.

Bob R