Hey Girls:
How do you approach an individual, one that may be here, in a tactful, non-intervention kind of way so they dont feel attacked or ganged up on.
Someone that may be among us needs some information and a wakeup call and I would really like it if Rea, you and I could do this together and anyone else that feels they can help, of course.. She trusts us and we have got to get to her fast. Everyday counts.
When are you most likely on cowgirl?
And you Rea?
I will be here anytime yall can make it on at the same time but it NEEDS to be soon, like yesterday was too late.
Please let me know when yall can be on for a bit.
Anyone that feels they may be able to help or feels they may have something to learn from this is welcome, of course.
What's up? I am still half asleep but how can I help?
What's up? I am still half asleep but how can I help?
so whats up with that,you don't worry about cowgirl or rae if you got a problem around here you come to KING VINNY,i carry more power and authoriety than the moderators them selves,so what you think i'm here to entertain you,to make you laugh like a clown,well i'll tell you what i'm going to go sit on my thrown and read the paper for a minute but when i get back i will have all the answer's for ya..............KING VINNY............phd.
Oh Vinny how does your wife do it man. She must leave for work early in the morning huh?LOL
So what's up with you? Did you sleep well last night?
So what's up with you? Did you sleep well last night?
rae did you consider my propasition about you and me getting married
I am too Rea (still asleep) but I think You, me and Cowgirl need to get real with wiversen. I really want to sit her down in a non-intervention kind of way and plead with her in regards to the xanax. I am beside myself about this. I know the hell I went through and a month is enough to get addicted to anything when your addict voice is still SO LOUD.
Am I over-reacting or do you too feel this is something that needs to be seriously addressed with her? This is why I come to my elders, ones I trust with my life. If ya'll think she is fine, Ill drop it but I wont want to.
Am I over-reacting or do you too feel this is something that needs to be seriously addressed with her? This is why I come to my elders, ones I trust with my life. If ya'll think she is fine, Ill drop it but I wont want to.
Yes I know you werent addressing me but dont spook this woman my gosh I understand your fear but damn K not everbody needs help with them she may need themn so why in Gods name would you wanyt her to feel bad about that.Just sit & see what happens before your all comic hero again PLEASE
But everyone deserves information, information I wish I would have had or I would have never had an addiction in the first place.
We are here to help, support and educate... atleast that is what I am here for. And that is what I intend to do.
Have to run the kids to school. Be back in awhile, assuming I dont get help up.
We are here to help, support and educate... atleast that is what I am here for. And that is what I intend to do.
Have to run the kids to school. Be back in awhile, assuming I dont get help up.
I would suggest posting to her and see if she responds. You can always post on the thread she started to me yesturday. I don't think she has an actually problem with the xanax. It doesn't sound like she is getting anymore other than the 30 she had. I really don't know what else to say!
Yes we will get married oneday. Hopefully your wife will be the brides maid and my man the best man! LOL
I am so happy you can talk again. I am so excited for you.
Well guys I am going to play with the baby for a bit be back later!
C-ya Rae
I would suggest posting to her and see if she responds. You can always post on the thread she started to me yesturday. I don't think she has an actually problem with the xanax. It doesn't sound like she is getting anymore other than the 30 she had. I really don't know what else to say!
Yes we will get married oneday. Hopefully your wife will be the brides maid and my man the best man! LOL
I am so happy you can talk again. I am so excited for you.
Well guys I am going to play with the baby for a bit be back later!
C-ya Rae
just becareful how you approach it because she is under a dr's care, she is not self detoxing or self medicating to detox. she is extremeley vulnerable. i suggest letting her dr. drive the bus. it is her job to be honest with her dr and ask her dr the concerns she has about being addicted to xanax and getting educated. she is at a very fragile point of recovery right now. also i was once told that i should not want someone elses recovery more then my own.
just becareful how you approach it because she is under a dr's care, she is not self detoxing or self medicating to detox. she is extremeley vulnerable. i suggest letting her dr. drive the bus. it is her job to be honest with her dr and ask her dr the concerns she has about being addicted to xanax and getting educated. she is at a very fragile point of recovery right now. also i was once told that i should not want someone elses recovery more then my own.
rae i just got one question would you over look me wipin my butt on a towel every now and again
Thank you rae & terri.What happens when Dr K make a bigmistake & sets this woman back instead of reaching for help(if she needs it)K is gonna make her feel guilty & ashamed.There is plenty of information here & on the net if wiversen feels shes in trouble I want her to reach out not run & hide...mj
Goodmorning Vinny I hope your feeling good today
Goodmorning Vinny I hope your feeling good today
hi molly how you doin this morning?hey rember what you asked me in the email yesterday?well just to let you know i done that for you,love ya ..........vinny
Thank you vinny promise I wont tell everyone just how sweet you are.Hey did you hear????I went to say goodmorning to my daughter & sound came out!!!!!So cool huh?So I think it may of helped...mj
yea molly don't tell no one i'm a nice guy that would ruin it for me,i kinda like to be known as a prick[lol],hey and if what you said about talkin is true and your not jokein around then there must really be somethin to it after all......vinny.
I want to make sure she knows what she is getting into. That is what I'll do, I'll post the benzo site in that thread, then she can read it on her own. If she does that I dont think we will have to worry about her wanting ro re-up on another 'script. Thanks for your advice!
Boo: Thanks for your 2 cents, the approach is what I was most concerned with which is why I reached out to the elders before talking to her.
I wish someone would have told me what I was taking and I had the information from the benzo site from the get-go. I would have never starting/continued to take xanax at all.
I want to make sure she knows what she is getting into. That is what I'll do, I'll post the benzo site in that thread, then she can read it on her own. If she does that I dont think we will have to worry about her wanting ro re-up on another 'script. Thanks for your advice!
Boo: Thanks for your 2 cents, the approach is what I was most concerned with which is why I reached out to the elders before talking to her.
I wish someone would have told me what I was taking and I had the information from the benzo site from the get-go. I would have never starting/continued to take xanax at all.
At this point Vin Ill belive anything.Thanks by the way you really cheer me up.Now you are still waiting on the boat huh?I dont want to be nosey but I need to ask about your pontoon???what are they like??Ill probaly jot ya a line later to ask more though.My BF fell in love with one
molly i like the pontoon but i like my 14ft fishin boat better,the only time i take the pontoon out is when there is going to be more than 4 people going out,just because of the room situation,another reason i like the fishin boat better is i can put it in 1 foot of water and not worry about scrapin the bottom,it's excellent for shallow cove fishin[it's a flat bottom boat with a semi v hull],but the pontoon is good for the family and friends when we go out,it has a 90 horse mercury on it and you can actually ski on it if thats your thing,my kids like to be pulled around the lake on tubes.
Thats sounds like alot of fun.We saw one yesterday & the BF went gaga.Now me Id take any kind of boat as long as it doesnt sink.I am trying so hard to talk him into it.I usually dont want for things ya know.It takes little to make me happy,but I have wanted a boat for the last Id say 3 years real bad so Im gonna keep working on him