Cowgirl/redd Thanks

Hi Gals, I've thanksed a lot of folks today, but you two make the most ssense to me. I appreciate the honesty, not always wrapped up in a pretty bow. I'm dishonest w/myself too mcuh already and need people who speak the truth. I know I'm new, but appreciate 'feeling the love' along with the truth. Hope you keep communicating, you help me more then you know.

Redd, your strenght is so apparent, I hope someday (not now probably) your pain will ease and turn into acceptance. We don't go easily into that good night, but our minds and hearts maybe finally give us a little break to accept the things we cannot change, change the things we can, and well you know the rest. I've prayed much for you honey, and hope you have moments of respite.

Cowgirl, If you've lost a friend today, I'm sorry for that...know how it feels. But you've shown integrity throughout which is one thing I'm working hard to regain. WHile you both will probably hate it, I view you as roll don't feel old, I'm sure I've got you both beaat. Take care, B


Thank you for taking the time to say those things, your prayers and warm thoughts are very much appreciated. I'm tredding water I guess you could say, my strenght is not so solid I fear, and you know what? I'm Ok with that for now, hopefully it will build, but for right now, I'm letting my family hold me up.

The pill whispers are still there, the only tool I'm using to not use at this point is availability. If they were here, I think I would use. Not so strong 'eh? But at least I know to not have them in arms reach, see what listening can get you sometimes.

You are doing well in your recovery Beck, oxys are a b**** to get off, and I am so proud of you. As far as the lortabs, was it? Baby steps I guess, call it a taper or whatever, you know what you have to do from here.

You have my full support and friendship as well.

all the best

Aww Redd, How sad it must be. I don't want to say too much...I know when I suffered intolerable loss I was o.k. until someone talked to me about it. The I fell apart. I can only imagine...and if I had a bottle of oxy here, well they'd be not long for living. I'm so glad you're family is there for you. Cling to them and all who love you here. There's a huge amount of love flowing your way. No matter what, we love you just as you are. Straight, sober, happy or treading...keep treading. Keep minute at a time. Love you much, Beck
I havent been on much just want to say sorry for your loss.
I don't think you give yourself enough credit with the pills. Didn't you say that the doctors wanted to give you a script and you said no. Hell if that had been me forget it you are an inspiration. Thank-you for being you
Beck..thanks. Made me feel so much better tonight.

Time heals all, for some reason that cliche jumped into my head as I read this thread. Time heals all.

Best Regards,

I hope that holds true.....for everything.

Of course it does..we're all here for the same, common goal after all.

Get some sleep, Amy, you sound as if you need it. Tomorrow is another day, guys and hopefully we will all wake up in a different frame of mind and able to move forward.
