
Hey girl, I hope you were not serious when you said you were leaving.. Please you know you are wanted here and much loved and cared about.. You have helped me alot with you honest and upfront post, I always learn something from what you post. Please stay we need you here...


You know how I feel about you. I told you many times. I wouldn't be here right now if it wern't for you. I know someone else might have, probably would have been there but you were and for that i will never forget you.

Take some time if you need but come back soon. Better yet just don't leave.

ditto to Franks post ...Just don't leave...
She is not leaving,
I guess I'm not going anywhere. Tom said.

I appreciate you guys taking the time to say what you did. It means alot to me. I just got upset and started questioning the reasons for my being here. I'm over it. It wasn't worth getting stirred up over. I'm an addict (duh) and even with 11 months, I still suffer through the mental stuff. I still have a hard time with life, just like everyone else and I don't always have all of the answers (really hard for me to accept that) nor am I perfect (I keep trying).

How are you two doing? Are you tapering or did you c/t together? There's always safety in numbers, so you two stick together. I'm right behind you.

Love you both
Lisa, well it is a good thing that you are not going anywhere because me and Frank would have had to come out there and hunt you down... LOL...
I can run but I can't hide, right?

And kick your.... Try and kick your butt.
Thats right girl we were planning on comming after you... LOL
Hi... Frank, Paula, and Lisa! Just wanted to pop in and say HI... I have been away from the board all day, and just catching up! I went to my first NA meeting today, and Im looking forward to going back next week.... Thanks CG for the help finding a meeting in my area! Frank and Paula Im glad that you are sticking together :) What is with the cave man? Shabee


You like him. It reminds me of me. How ya doing tonight ?

Hi Bee how are you? Sounds like you are doing great, Frank avatar was a caveman and then a baseball player and now a caveman again LOL...
Im exhausted... It's been a long day. I have been wanting to post an update, but I have been so busy. Im hanging in there. The meeting was an experience! I was SO SCARED... I didn't say much. I like the you look anything like him, Frank???


I'm a little heavier, not as good looking and he dresses better.But were both green.

I have never been to a n/a meeting I went to some alanon meeting when my husband was drinking they really helped. I am glad that you found one and it was a good experience for you.
Hey if you guys are still here... on the message board, when the envelope turns orange... does that mean somebody is posting, or reading? Im a newbie, so bear with me!!! Bee're the best!!!! You did what you said you were going to do. I'm so proud of you. Just keep going back.

Pretty soon you'll get comfortable enough to share. Did you get some phone numbers? That phone will weigh 4oo pounds, but pick it up and call before you pick it up and use.

So happy to see 3 of my favorite people here.

Bee scroll down to the bottom of the page it tells you what color means what..

Hey Lisa nice to see you here. I hope you had a good day.
CG... I got a list and a name of a sponser... She came up to me and gave me this big, incrediable, long, very long hug... Im thinking I might connect with her! They asked me to read out of the NA book, the blue one, and I took a pass. I couldn't say a word!!! Thanks for your help... I keep saying that to you, but I really mean. Thanks for following through, Lisa :) (((((HUG))))) Bee


How are you tonight ? Have i told you lately I think you're special.
