Lisa, Here is my new email address... Hope to hear from you soon...
Gemz Lisa is on a two week vacation, she has one more week of bliss.
she has one more week of bliss. |
I hope she's got a sunburn <beg>
I am hoping she drank the water. ;)
LMAO...that's good, Miss Brookie.
Thanks you guys... Hope all is well with you...
Got it Paula..will email you as soon as the dust settle's a bit.
Very funny Michelle and Brooke...funny funny girls.
I didn't drink the water nor did I burn. I am as tan a nut. Love that beach scene. So glad to be home though, 2 weeks is enough.
How is everyone? You all stayed out of trouble I much fun is that? <eg>
Big hugs
Very funny Michelle and Brooke...funny funny girls.
I didn't drink the water nor did I burn. I am as tan a nut. Love that beach scene. So glad to be home though, 2 weeks is enough.
How is everyone? You all stayed out of trouble I much fun is that? <eg>
Big hugs
Welcome home Lisa! Me and Hubby have done alot of traveling, but Hawaii and the good part of Mexico are 2 places we've never been. We went just across the border at Loredo Texas once, but it wasn't a nice tourist attraction there if you know what I mean!
Glad you made it home safely! xoxoxo
Glad you made it home safely! xoxoxo
um Lisa you mean Stacey Not michelle.
Lisa, good to see you back and glad you had a good time. Man, I could use a vaca, but would settle for a maid, that would do it LOL
I'm with ya Janet on the maid! That would make me a very happy camper!
You're right Brooke, I meant Stacey (sorry Stac) but had Michelle on the brain...I couldn't find her jumping beans. I got the funniest looks when I asked about them. No one knew what they were. I think it's an American thing and not Mexican at all. lol
Thanks Rhonda and Janet. I'm downloading pictures now....
Thanks Rhonda and Janet. I'm downloading pictures now....
Hi Lis
Welcome home
Welcome home
Hey Kat...still not smoking? Did you kill anything yet?
Ah man, and I was so looking forward to playing with those beans. It's the thought that counts, so thanks for thinking about me, and the beans.
Welcome home Lisa!
Welcome home Lisa!