Crack ?

Mom needs help - found a pipe, glass, 4 ish inches long and the basin uneven with brownish residue. I could not smell any peculiar odour; with it was a spoon from my set that I removed. Days later I found another pipe in my kitchen, that I smashed & put in the dustbin.
A couple of days later my daughter was home when I came from work, she showed me a butane lighter for cigarettes - very fancy - high heat flame - I commented very nice that type is used for crack pipes. Silence from her - so I prattled on to say non fancy ones are used for shrink wrap. She left the room, left the home.
A few days later she reappeared to rescue tapes she said. She came in the house with 6 videos. The car was parked on the road - she left with a guitar in a garbage bag -furtive glances - I watched from above - the guitar belongs to her brother in law.
Is this the deal ? will she will sell our stuff before she sells her stuff.?
Any advice?
I'm sorry but it sounds like from the brown residue like heroin BUT you don't smoke that off of pipes. Perhaps it is crack and she has been using something strange to burn it on (in UK most people I know use ciggie ash).

I would always sell my stuff before other peoples but it's a personal choice I guess, maybe she's already sold her things?

Hope you're ok.

could be hash or pot. i doubt its heroin, heroin isn't smoked out of a pipe {unless on top of something i.e. pot}
The last 2 posters seem to have never seen a used crack pipe...

Google it up, guys :o)
Hi Mom -

Take it from another Mom - sounds exactly like crack to me. The high powered lighter is just the ticket, even if you weren't sure about the pipe (although that does sound like a crack pipe to me) -and the way she reacted sounds very much like how a person would react if she was using crack. I can tell from your post that you are no dummy, and you probably already realized this. So, what are you going to do? Has her brother-in-law noticed that his guitar is now missing? Have you talked to any of the rest of the family? Her siblings probably already know a lot more about the situation than they are saying, so I would think that now is the time to talk with them, with her friends, etc, and see what is going on and just how far gone she is at this point. Keep us posted. This is a wonderful, supportive site that has helped me through some really rough spots with my son, and I'm sure the people here can help you and your daughter, too.

Sending you a cyber hug -
Fellow Crack Mom.
Oh, and the spoon is a dead giveaway, too.

Scroll down and look at the colour of that pipe.

Sorry if this link offends anyone...
i have smoked crack for many years. just because they pipe has brown residue doesn't mean its crack, just put a few other ideas to consider for her.
You're right, raerae.
Point taken :o)
Thanks for all the posts.
Long time since I was around hash, don't recall it made people snarky. Never saw a glass pipe flamed from below - but that was then. I shall have to recall the past but I don't remember that hash caused weight loss and the horrid pallor of skin, nor borrowing $20. at 2 am.
Her son came home from sailing today and we had to tell him he could not come home, he is devastated. Mom (drug user) got a kitten the day before he left to sail and the poor child is bereft that he cannot see kitty. (I must work and there is no-one home) Grandson accepted he can come tomorrow and then come to work with me Friday ( sure hope my boss accepts this).
I'm not offended by much - there is a picture of a woman smoking from the w**** site on my computer desk top - if she comes home and looks at the computer will she see herself?
Thanks for listening
I have smoked crack for a while now but we use either cans or bottle - not such a pro to have a specifically made glass pipe.

Raerae - I know we don't smoke heroin on pipes over here in the UK but didn't know what the yanks got up to over there!


Do not let her in your house unattended. She will steal and pawn anything she can (It's the drugs driving her). Also, make sure your checkbook, jewelery, and any thing else of value is hidden. If she gets desperate enough she'll rob you blind. Sad but true. No disrespect to any addicts on this board. I very much sympathize will you all but unfortunately I have been burned by an addict many times and have things very precious to me stolen and pawned.