Craig Ferguson

This may be old news, but has anyone listened to this guy? Talk about a class act, basically during the whole britany spears controversy everyone was just going off on her, including leno, letterman, conan...

Craig handled it differently, click on the video to see how.

This was on the board months ago.

This was before her 3 rehab tries (escapes) and shaving her head.

The whole situation is sad and is a good example as any of someone trying to do it "their way".

Luckily, it appears her last rehab seems to gotten through to her.
Thanks Chris, not all of saw this MONTHS ago. Quite a few things that are said over and over again.
Maybe he needed to say it over and over again. If people wanted to stop watching they could have turned off the tv. - Chris
Any body who has today's N.Y post can read how Princess BRIT decided at the last moment ot leave a Plane headed from L.A to South Florida. She was headed here to Florida to play the house of blues in Orlando and then head up our way To play south beach.

I am devastated.

seems the plane seats did not have enough 'LeatherLMAO --for her ??

Man this kid is one messed up child. Addict? No way just a spoiled Child. Needs to grow up .

Rehab was demanded by her EX husband. There is a good choice for a father get one who is willing to leave his own family to start one with you.

This girl has made some awesome decisions and they just get sadder.

Not enough leather. Heldup the flight people were pissed.

I wonder if she made her dates as I assume she has a contract to play.

F her fans--These people make me sick.
I don't normally like Craig Ferguson but I like what he said. It's so true, money can't cure addiction. In some cases it actually makes it worse. I think if money hadn't been an issue for me I would have been even more out of control then I was. Thanks for posting this Chris.

thanks for posting that for us and if you want you can post it again--i think craig furguson was right on with what hes saying most other entertainers are too afraid to say what is or should be on most sane peoples minds-the media has gone mad i just recently read a book by him--its a novel and very interesting and it deals with alcoholism/addiction through a story about 2 men both attempting to kill themselves one with alcohol and not aware hes commiting suicide it was a really great read cannot recall the name--dangit(this terrible brain of mine ive abused so much) thanks again i think ill start watching his show more than i do-if ican satay awake laters hope everyone is having a great day/night--take care