Crystal Methamphetamines

My brother has been using crystal for three years and finally admitted today he needs help? My brother has alot of hate towards me because what I have accomplished in life and where he is now. What can I do to help my brother? Whats the first step oncr he has realized he has a problem? I let him know I will be there everyday by he side when he is ready to get help. He yells and tries to push my family and self away but I am determined to stay by his side. Any advise is greatly appreciated.
Your brother could start by contacting your local mental health/substance abuse clinic. Look in the phone book or call the Department of Health and Hospitals in your state and tell them he is in need of help.

He must want to help himself.

If you post what City and State you live in I will get you a phone number to call.
How would I get help for my son in Denver Col.?
Maria it looks as though you are doing all for him that you possibly can, and that is just *being there for him*

I went through something similar with my own brother. He had a big heroin problem that my parents were totally unaware of. He got so sick I thought he was going to die, so as a last resort I told our parents. Do your folks know about his problem? If not, consider telling them ( make them promise not to tell him you told!) You shouldn't have to go through this alone.

How odd that now my brother is 4 years clean...and *I'm* the one with a big drug problem.

Good luck to you both hon.
Hi Guest,

I'm also in Colorado. I went to an excellent rehab in Estes Park called Harmony Foundation, it's a 28 day intensive program and it's helped a lot of people I know get off drugs. Good luck
out of curiosity (iam from scotland) what is methamphetamiine?. thanks
In regards to your brother disliking you because you have acheived in life and he is flushing his life down the toilet: First you should know that meth makes moods of the meth user go up and down in and out.You cant be dealing with the real person anymore because their minds are altered by the drug meth.They simply dont own their own minds anymore.They think they do but they dont.The real problem is that your brother dislikes himself and hates himself.Meth users dont feel good about thenselves long term.Their feelings are comtrolled twisted altered and mixed up.Meth is for those people who want to give up their minds to the drug dealer and line his pockets while meth users only dream of all the wonderful things their going to acheive in life.Meth users are sitting in a tin can listening to thier own echo while feeling like superman or super woman and going 220 miles per hour.Until your brothe has been clean for at laest 30 days he wont even know who what when wher or why about nothing.Meth makes people into zombies living in a whirlwind that is all in their heads and no where else.Meth is the perfect slave drug.Meth owns the user and the user doesnt quite get it.How do i know? I was once a meth user and ive been ther done that!