Curious - Do Antidpressantshelp After W/drawals?

Hi all, am 10 days clean. Feeling very blah. No physical symptoms to complain of other than exhausted and totally unmotivated. Would an antidepressant help (have taken them a few years back with no luck) but I'm wondering if I should try again and if anyone thinks they would help lift my spirits...although I know they take weeks to get into your system and by that point, would it be the serotonin from the drug or my natural serotonin kicking back in????
Hi KL;

My opinion only, but I think this is something you should discuss with your doctor. I've been on AD's for years, probably will continue to be so for the rest of my life.

As you mention it takes time for an AD to work (or not work I guess). Because depression is a common se of the wd's I would wait a bit longer to see if what you're experiencing is short-term blues.

But if you're truly concerned by all means call your doc.

Good luck;
i think the right kind will help a lot, probably. It's funny, years ago when i was in a detox, they tried to give me some antidep in the hosp, which i refused, & the dr also talked to me about prozak & i said i'm not gonna take that crap ( pretty unbelievable huh, i mean here i was regularly & continueously buying crap from essentially strangers, day after day & year after year, & poking holes in my arms &hands, but im not gonna use prozak)

Well the sun has rose & set more than a couple thousand times since then, & a couple years ago i finally talked to a dr & ended up with lexapro, & when the dosage got right it helped me pretty quick & the beauty is, trying to take extra to get a little buzz does nothing & even might make u feel crummy.

But it really has helped me a lot, thou i do have my days, but i'm thinking that the only time i seem to feel really bad is a period of time following a relapse, no matter how minor - & its not cause i feel bad that i did it, its more like something physical & real & familiar.

But yes, they do help me.