
I was wondering if any of you have been prescribed Cymbalta and if so, does it help and what exactly does it do for you... I have read up on it a bit but I want to hear some personal experiences cause I want to know if this is something I should talk to my doctor about taking.

Stacey I have been on it for 2 solid months come this Monday. I t has helped with my sleep.

Regarding depression I do not really notice much difference.

But I would give it a shot. Were all different.

Some people sware by it others hate it.

Good Luck--sorry I cant provide more info. I am very ANTI A/D . Have tried a bunch and none worked.

But I am depressed (FOR A WHILE) so was convinced to give it a try.

Hi, Just wanted to give you my opinion:
I had been on zoloft for about 4 years and this summer it seems as if I was taking it daily but my depression seemed to be worsening. My doctor tapered me on the zoloft and put me on 60mg Cymbalta daily. It has been wonderful to me, my anxiety is down dramatically, I feel like I am thinking more clearly, and am sleeping better. The doctor said it is also a good AD to be on because it does not seem to cause any weight gain for most, and hasnt for me so far.
It has been very helpful for me, just wanted to give you my opinion.
Take it Easy
Thanks Jeff and Jody,

I saw the commercial for it and thought..."hmmm that sounds like me all over" but I also took Trazadone for a year and it was said to be an AD, however like you said Jeff, I didn't feel any different except for it made me sleep like a baby. As far as mood went, I really couldn't tell a difference.
Jody, I was on Zoloft for a very short time because it made me feel like I was going nuts, I felt suicidal and came off of it after only a couple days. I was given samples of paxil after that and never took it cause I was too scared. I know ever AD is different for every person. I just want to find one that would do me some good.
Thank you both for your input!!

Hey Stacey,

I've been on Cymbalta for around a year now I guess. I've been on so many ad medications and have to say the Cymbalta has worked the best for me so far. It helps with my depression, I guess I really notice the difference when I miss a dose or completely run out all together.I think just as all ad medications, you have to try them and see what works for you. Good Luck.


I only began taking Cymbalta two weeks ago, but I can tell you that I feel like it is definately working on my depression. I have also began sleeping better and don't seem as stressed out as I was before taking it. I've had experiences with other AD's and was not a huge fan. While taking Paxil I began sleep walking and felt as though I was having an "out of body experience" if you can imagine that!

I've been told by various doctors that all AD's take time to really take full effect in your body, so my advise is to give it some time and maybe even consider tracking how you feel daily by writing in a journal to have something to refer back to later.

Best wishes
stacey...stacey....its me....sorry cant help you on this one..never even heard of it......YGM... luv

