Thursday, June 7, 2007
You are reading from the book Each Day a New Beginning
Without discipline, there's no life at all.
--Katharine Hepburn
Procrastination is habitual. It's perhaps a habit we've struggled with over the years, and not one that can be willed away. It eats at us, no doubt. How many times have we gone to bed at night depressed, discouraged, and angry with ourselves for not finishing a job we promised ourselves, or someone else, we'd do! Sometimes it feels hopeless. The tasks awaiting our attention pile up, seem impossible to complete. But there is hope. The program has offered us an easy solution.
We have only this day to concern ourselves with. We can break the spell of procrastination, lethargy, immobility, if we choose. We can pick a task that needs attention, any task, preferably a small one for today. Maybe it's writing a letter, or fixing a hem, or making an appointment to see a doctor. Deciding to do something, and then doing it, breaks through the barriers that have caged us. Immediately we will sense the surge of freedom. In this moment we can always act. And any act will free us.
When procrastination blocks us, our senses are dead to the friends close to us. It's as though we have stepped outside of the circle of life. The real gifts of sobriety are beyond our reach when we choose inaction.
I will get free. I will tackle a small task today. It will bless me in special ways.
From Each Day a New Beginning: Daily Meditations for Women by Karen Casey 1982, 1991 by Hazelden Foundation. All rights reserved. Published 1982. Second edition 1991.
Okay, is it just me or does anyone else feel like these always seem to be just what you need to hear?
It reminds me of being in church and certain that the sermon was directed at me personally, lol.
Btw, Stacey, I meant to tell you this the other day and got side tracked, but I do read these and I'm glad you post them.
It reminds me of being in church and certain that the sermon was directed at me personally, lol.
Btw, Stacey, I meant to tell you this the other day and got side tracked, but I do read these and I'm glad you post them.
Not me. I skim them <BEG>
Yeah, Kat, I get those same feelings especially when I'm sitting on something trying to get through it...sometimes, I read them and go, damn, it's that
And Miss Katbird, go ahead a skim, and next you'll start being closeminded and angry so just let me know what bar to pick your a*s up at, k? <vbeg>
And Miss Katbird, go ahead a skim, and next you'll start being closeminded and angry so just let me know what bar to pick your a*s up at, k? <vbeg>
LOL @ FK! You're so bad.
I wonder how many people have clicked on the OK button on your warning?
Nothing happens, btw, lol.
I wonder how many people have clicked on the OK button on your warning?
Nothing happens, btw, lol.
Bar? I wouldn't go to a bar. I'd be at the doctor's. Alcohol gives me a hangover.
Alcohol gives me a hangover |
And what the hell good would going to the doctor do? You think he has enough pills to feed your habit, or the pharmacy, you think they have enough?? If you are anything like me, I bet not....LMAO
Stacey again your post helped me today. I have been feeling overwhelmed by hundreds of changes and things going on. SO much so that my house looks like a hurricane hit it because when I come home I am tired and strained. When I read your post I realized that I have been sitting in my s***. Getting overwhelmed by things that I have put off because they seemed so large and un-doable. I get like this when I go through change or crisis as if letting s*** pile up is going to releave some of my anxiety. Hell no it adds to it. Thank you for your daily thoughts. They do not go unnoticed.
I was going to wait till later to read your post - hahaha - but apparently it was just what I needed to hear. Actually, responding to you is a way of putting off finishing writing my report cards (dreaded teacher task). Best take it to heart and get back to work. Thanks, Stacey