dh says he has stopped doing the coke, but a drink or hoot takes the edge off the cravings. He thinks that he is doing good because he is not doing the coke. (which is questionable) . He still consideres this some sort of recovery.
I have had it with all of it and i don't care if its the 'tiniest joint in the world' or one sip of booze.
Apparently he was at meeting tonight, went for coffee with everyone, till late, then proceeded to go to a buddies house and had a drink there???? does this sound like crazy behavior or what??? i guess he expects me to be understanding or something.
this sure isn't the 'recovery' i imagined! he is still behaviing the exact same way. staying out till all hours and smelling like booze when he comes in. hanging around the same people he was befor.
I think he must think i am the BIGGEST idiot in the world.
*sigh* two more days and everything here will change...
dont feel too bad, my ex who thinks if he only drinks 10 instead of 12 beers, he is in recovery, when i last saw him 3 weeks ago he was smoking weed, thinking it was no big deal, he has used heroin, cocaine, pills and whatnot, so he thinks he is doing good according to him, however i see the pattern of what is happening and he has no home, no car, no job, no nothing, so with that being said i can understand how you feel and you are not a idiot, they in their using think we are the enemy, however i have my own recovery plan and it does not include him. you are not alone here.