Thought you could use the laugh.
A man is driving down a deserted stretch of highway when he notices a sign out of the corner of his eye. It reads;
He thinks this is a figment of his imagination and drives on without giving it a second thought. Soon he sees another sign which reads;
Suddenly he begins to realize that these signs are for real and drives past a third sign saying;
His curiosity gets the best of him and he pulls into the driveway. On the far side of the parking lot is a stone building with a small sign next to the door. SISTERS OF ST. FRANCIS
He climbs the steps and rings the bell. The door is answered by a nun in a long black habit who asks "What may we do for you my son." He answers " I saw your sign along the highway and was interested in possibly doing business."
"Very well my son." Please follow me." He is lead through many winding passages and is soon quite disoriented. The nun stops at the closed door and tells the man," Please knock on the door." He does so and another nun in a long black habit , holding a tin cup answers the door...
This nun instructs "Please place $100 in the cup then go through the large wooden door at the end of the hallway." He puts $100 in the cup, eagerly trots down the hall and slips through the door pulling it shut behind him. The door locks, and he finds him back in the parking lot facing another sign that reads.
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt...LOL
Danny, I laughed my a** off when I read that. Doesn't take much to amuse me. I got my son-in-law flying in tonight from Ga. so I can use all the laughs I can get at this point. How are you feeling today? Shantel
What an nice met game last night Danny. Your Cubbies blow man. But 75 wins may win the division. LOL they may lose there way to a division winner.
How you feeling?
It sucks here. Work and inside A.C its hot no rain and my allergies are driving me bonkers.
MY eldest daughter turns 17 so she is blessing me with her presence. Really coming to get her money and see my father. She is old enough that even though my parents did not want me to tell her I explained my father's situation. Hence an extra vist next month. She has senior year and is pumped.
She is a good kid.
Have a good night --Jeff
P.S when Pedro comes back? we will roll
How you feeling?
It sucks here. Work and inside A.C its hot no rain and my allergies are driving me bonkers.
MY eldest daughter turns 17 so she is blessing me with her presence. Really coming to get her money and see my father. She is old enough that even though my parents did not want me to tell her I explained my father's situation. Hence an extra vist next month. She has senior year and is pumped.
She is a good kid.
Have a good night --Jeff
P.S when Pedro comes back? we will roll
Hey Shantell. Ya, those wacky Catholic nuns....Sister Mary Elephant...
I am ok I guess. I had more bloodwork yesterday and Dr. Jekyll called and wants me in tomorrow morning to discuss it which I just have to laugh my a** off about. WHATEVER!!!!
I have a feeling he wants another PICC and that is a NO GO from me. Screw that. Not in this lifetime or any other.
I am being my typical uncooperative self.
I am ok I guess. I had more bloodwork yesterday and Dr. Jekyll called and wants me in tomorrow morning to discuss it which I just have to laugh my a** off about. WHATEVER!!!!
I have a feeling he wants another PICC and that is a NO GO from me. Screw that. Not in this lifetime or any other.
I am being my typical uncooperative self.
Jeff- The Cubbies are killing me. Soriano out until September. Might of blown the season. Good thing Milwaukee is sucking so they arent losing any ground. Still one game out. They need to sweep this series.
Good about your daughter. My son (who is 20) has announced he wants to move in with me (now that 10 years of child support are done..LOL). I'm OK with it though..there is an extra bedroom here...he and Mom are at odds and I am trying to avoid taking sides but in reality, she is being unreasonable on the kid. And he needs to get his head on a little straighter and Mom is not helping. What he forgets is Dad is a bigger hard a** than Mom..hehe..
Good about your daughter. My son (who is 20) has announced he wants to move in with me (now that 10 years of child support are done..LOL). I'm OK with it though..there is an extra bedroom here...he and Mom are at odds and I am trying to avoid taking sides but in reality, she is being unreasonable on the kid. And he needs to get his head on a little straighter and Mom is not helping. What he forgets is Dad is a bigger hard a** than Mom..hehe..
Mets are going to go on a roll. I would start betting them as they could go on a major run--Chavez coming back soon Pedro and well they are so deep. Last night was awesome. One thing you got going is the division sucks. The east is tough man. It works for the mets as all the teams behind these are beating each other up. Our pitching is to deep.
Mets will roll into the playoffs and man you got give= them s-bag Yankees a lot of credit. Joe Torre? he was being crucified by the stupid media. He is a heck of a manager. His players play hard for him. There pitching is coming around and they are a dangerous team. Its going to be a lot of fun for all of us.
Us met fans want revenge for 2000
Mets will roll into the playoffs and man you got give= them s-bag Yankees a lot of credit. Joe Torre? he was being crucified by the stupid media. He is a heck of a manager. His players play hard for him. There pitching is coming around and they are a dangerous team. Its going to be a lot of fun for all of us.
Us met fans want revenge for 2000
Cun fans are still looking for revenge for 1901.
Bump for Lisa, Not sure if you read this one. Shantel
Danny you around? Dude I may have a date? Girl is stalking me LMAO
How you feeling?
How you feeling?
Jeff- feeling good (and confident)...
You? A date? Ya..right..who is stalking you? Ugly Betty?
Angelina Jolie is in Chicago. I think we are hooking up later.
You? A date? Ya..right..who is stalking you? Ugly Betty?
Angelina Jolie is in Chicago. I think we are hooking up later.
Legends in your own minds.