Danny? Please Check In

DUDE ????????????????????????????????
Hope you are doing well Danny, been a while since you posted...check in when you have a chance.
Hey Janet -How are you doing? Man I woke up today and it was COLD 42 degrees

But it warmed up and for normal human beings 99% living here in South Florida would make this a top 10 day Not a cloud in the sky 65 degrees no humidity --for me its 30 degrees to cold nad the humidity needs to be at 100% for this addict.

I donated all my furnitureto the salvation army -Tax Writeoff for 2009 byt was offered 300$ for the sofa -denim in good shape--did a 'Mitzvah" God tells me I should try to do a mitzvah a day or more.

Janet thanks my denim couch is to soft and my doctor wants me sitting in only firm type seats couches etc

I bought a Victoria Principal couch --at first it went over me but then the face and body came screamin back to me--she is hot--still at her age--Funny I saw a commercial with her last night promoting her furniture--Wonder if she comes with my couch

Janet you feel good--Jeff