
The other thread was locked but I had to tell you. This was so funny. LOL
Oh, I couldn't get the picture in there. It was great though. Just keep it up, I'm sure you will win yet. LOL

dannyob343 Posted: December 16, 2004, 7:10 PM

Posts: 1225
Joined: October 18, 2004

Come on people - just drop this stuff

Danny' Gonna win the Noble Peace Prize"OB343

Hold your head up high you know
You've come a long way, a long way
Tainted as a fugitive with nothing left to say
Temptation may come, hope your vision doesn't stray
In the name of God you may be forced away

Moving forward to the only place you know
Side tracked by some indiscretion,
Changing as you go
Temptation may come, hope your
Conscience doesn't hide
The longest trip you'll take is inside

Liz- Just want to see everyone getting along...
Yeah I know Danny, Everyone has different personalities and we are addicts. There will be fueds from time to time. Just part of the whole process. Don't let it get to you so much. They usually work themselves out. Believe me. I was always arguing with somebody when I was still using and when I first got off the pills. Now, I just realize we really are all the same. Just addicts trying to find our place on the board, in the world and with our families.
The people you see fighting will too come to realize the people they think are so bad aren't. They are people who have been clean longer and just see through all the crap. They try and help. Once the new people understand and see that themselves everybody would be getting along. But then there will be new people coming in and the same thing will happen. Just have to know it all works out for good. It's not so bad.
