
Hi Danny,
You mind if I e-mail you an address of someone who needs you advice about xanax.........
Not one bit Misty
Thanks....check you inbox in a few!
Hi Tina!
Hi Eddie, how are you?
Having a bit of a dilemma with work...

Bottom line...take new job offer or stay put. If I take the new one, I wouldn't be able to see my daughter as much. I think you know what she means to me. Salary is super-duper but daughter is more super-duper...

When do we, as parents, start letting go and start taking care of ourselves? Of course she's only 8....I don't think she can drive yet. I think I'm going to have to stay put at current job and pass up opportunity until she gets older. Single dads can really be screwed career wise....the ones that are active with their children.

Of course her mom could pick up and leave tomorrow with her and that would be ok with the courts...then I would be double screwed.
Eddie, I emailed you
Hi Eddie,
Wanted to tell you that I think you made a great choice. Sometimes as parents
it is hard to know if we really are doing right by them. I guess if we just think of then first for the big things we can't go to wrong. You are a great dad.....yeah I read all the posts, when I have time.....I see through your writing how she means the world to you......
Take Care,
Sometimes Mom's forget how much our kids mean to Dad's. We love them just as much. And if you are a Dad who does not care for your kids, shame on you. I love mine. Eddie loves his and I am sure every Dad here does too..
Chris Rock does a good skit on dads getting the shaft.

Before all hell breaks lose again, I'm sure there are many great moms out there.
LOL Eddie, but I think you are right, sometimes the dads do get the shaft......and no it is not right.
Life's a B----, then you marry one...then you die : -)
If I told you it just might get better would you believe........
Just goofin' T....

I love women....at least a couple of times a month....
I try never to miss an oppritunity to compliment my wife, so I'll say this.
Not only is my wife my best friend and a great mom to our girls, but I still feel the same way today I did when I first saw her. She is truly a gift and I am still in awe of her every time I see her walk in any room. She is as beautiful, if not more, today than she was 15 years ago when we met.

Take care..................................God bless...........................................Bob
I know she is. You must be so happy, Bob!
lmao, some how I get the feeling your the kind of guy that will next ask if I have any naked pics., Then, would I like to buy one! lmao I know I'm right huh!
And, yes I'm very happy..

Take care.....................................God bless......................................Bob
Hey, Tina, it was great talking to you..
I will call you tomarrow..I had to leave work sick..
I don't think that I will be back for a little while..lol..
Sick leave kicked in, and I need it..
Hey you still there I am still up!