Hey you, I got your e-mail early this morning but was rushing trying to get ready for work. I get off at 2 today and will im you. Hang in there. Talk to you soon. Take Care, Shantel
Hey you, I ended up staying at work later than 2. I just tried to im you but you were not online. I will be on for the next 1/2 hour and then I gotta go cook dinner and feed the grandbabies. If I don't talk to you soon I'll im you later tonight aound 9 my time. I know you'll probably be avoiding me as you are not gonna want to hear what I have to say but did not like what I read this morning. I have always told you that you are stubborn but I think it's time to listen. Shantel
I'll be online on and off tonight..trying to collect my thoughts
Give me a few. Shantel
I don't know what's going on Danny nor do I need to...I just want you to know I'll pray for you tonight....
Danny, I pray since you have not been online that you are doing what you know you need to do. I will keep trying tonight to see if I can get ahold of you. Shantel