
Hey Danny.

How are you doing?

Danny said he was going back in the hospital last week. I hope you are okay Danny.

As always, sending prayers.

You are one tough cookie. You will beat this thing!
Strong thoughts and big hugs coming your way Danny...
Mega dittos. Oops, too Rush Limbaugh-ish for you, Dan. Just get well.
I thought he got out of the hospital.

I haven't heaerd from him or seen him on the board so I think he's still there. He usually lets us know when he's home. I hope he's ok...
Did he go back in again? He was in then out. Sheet man hope he is okay.

I'm not sure, I haven't been here as much as I usually am lately...so I don't know.
I am out again after 8 days. Talk about boring.

Welcome back Danny. How are you feeling? Have the kids been coming to visit you in the hospital? Hope that was the last hospital visit for you. Take Care, Shantel
Welcome home Danny. You sure have had a rough time of it lately. Hope all is better.

<waving>@ Shantel!
Well, evidently this i sgoing to take at least a year to recover from (as opposed to what they told me originally) so it's not the last visit.

It wouldnt be bad if it wasnt so boring, visitors or not
hi danny
i hope you are feeling better.
what happened, why were you in the hospital?
There he is. Welcome back Cubbie boy. Your boys have a legit shot.

Glad your out of the hospital.

All I can say is hang in there.

Take it easy--Jeff
Well, there you are, Danny. I've been a tad concerned about you. You could call a girl, ya know.

BTW, I was thinking about you. I've been assigned to the Liver Transplant Clinic at Duke for my field placement this year.

Glad to see you're still alive.
Julie, I have been there 6 times since the transplant.

Jeff- The Cubbies are going sall the way

G- Call me. Cant find your number
Glad to know that you're home and ok Danny...I know how boring it is in hospitals..I'm sorry.
Danny by the end of the month the cubbies could be in third place in there division.

They almost got swept by the marlins. Marlins blow like all the teams in the N.L east.

Looks like the Mets are the best of the worst --we may just squeak into the playoffs.

After last years wonderful finish anything can happen.

Rooting for your cubbies

Feel Good Danny
