Hi there just wondering how you are doing today. Hope your not been too hard on yourself let me know if you are ok and if you need to ralk you know where to find me take care and never give up giving up sue
whats up sue20002000
I am still here, just come off the phone after having a big argument with a friend about what has been going on. his method has been trying to shame me about my using, telling everyone - basically making me look like bad. i had been trying to keep it under cover but he has blown it all up. right now i am fuming with him. the thing is i know he genuinely cares and because some people did the same to him he thinks the tactic might work for me. furthermore I was in the police station this morning acting as an appropriate adult for a friend of mine. that was crazy! i sat in on the interview, was spoken to with respect by the police! very surreal. my friend has mental health issues and the doctor said she needed someone to sit with her during the interview. all in all the day has been hard work. but what can i do? start again tomorrow. peace
I am still here, just come off the phone after having a big argument with a friend about what has been going on. his method has been trying to shame me about my using, telling everyone - basically making me look like bad. i had been trying to keep it under cover but he has blown it all up. right now i am fuming with him. the thing is i know he genuinely cares and because some people did the same to him he thinks the tactic might work for me. furthermore I was in the police station this morning acting as an appropriate adult for a friend of mine. that was crazy! i sat in on the interview, was spoken to with respect by the police! very surreal. my friend has mental health issues and the doctor said she needed someone to sit with her during the interview. all in all the day has been hard work. but what can i do? start again tomorrow. peace
Hi danny sorry to hear about your friend what they have to remember what works for one does not nessecerly (sp) work for others. What you have to remember is never give up giving up hope all is well today you will get there eventually take care let us know how you get on take care sue