I am so new to this our grown daughter told us on Thanksgiving she is adicted to meth and has started treatment. I had suspected there was something for a while but was not sure what. I do not know what to do to help her or what to do to keep the rest of the family together at this time. I am so afraid I will do or say the wrong thing and it will set her off. She blamed me for not stopping her and her sister for not being there to support her. How could we if we had no idea what was going on? I feel this is her way of passing the blame onto someone else other then herself. Can you give me any advice as to where to go and what to do to get us all the support we need?
Dont take what she says in outbursts personal . If you read through this site and/or others you will see a common theme of meth addicts blaming everyone else for their problem, the addicts themselves are oblivious to their behaviour towards others most of the time , becoming completly self absorbed and the center of their own worlds , I know, Ive been one for 35 years, ....without doing a lot of rambling on I'll say there is a wealth of information here on all sides of addiction . Instead of worrying about doing the right or wrong thing , or taking what she says personal , be thankful she has decided to admit her problem and deal with it. That is the very first and most important step, her telling you all about her addiction is a huge step towards recovery , acceptance of her as a an addict trying to deal with her problem (as long as she truly does make the effort) it is a disease , it does take control. If you start walking on eggshells or going through all sorts of changes because of her ......her addiction will control alll of you . knowledge and sharing of real life experiences of meth addiction through sites like this , by addicts and those that are affected by them . are the greatest tool to use against the overpowering control of drug abuse.Read, Learn , and be strong .....it can be a long battle, but one that can be won , we are always checking in to help or answer questions, listen , or just vent , you are welcome here anytime , best wishes