Davengreg This Is 4-u

I wanted you to see that i responded to your e-main on putting your son an methadone, YUCKY STUFF! so read where it says methadone is horrible duff and read my reply and if you need more info of wanna chat e-mail me at ( jasmine49@comcast.net) thanks hun and take care, fellow addict!
Thanks....I didn see your reply.

May I ask you a question? I really have no idea what someone looks like when they are on a high. My son sometimes comes home and looks like he could actually fall asleep standing up. In fact his girlfriend says that he has done just that in the past. The night before last he sat at the computer for over an hour trying to read something and trying to start a game. He had his eyes closed almost the entire time and his head kept nodding down about every 10 seconds, waking him up for about 2 seconds and then back to the same thing. Is that the aftermath of a high or is it part of the high. He claims to be off the oxycontin and using vicodin (sp?) from friends to take the edge off. I sure hope he gets off this stuff before he overdoses and kills himself. It is horrible to see him going through this!

Susan :)
the truth , he is loaded, i have been known to do the same thing when i was using? i am so sorry for what u-r going thru, i have been to rehab and seen people detoxing off of oxy and it is no pretty sight at all, look e-mail me i have a lot to tell you and i am a nurse as well my e-mail address is (jasmine49@comcast.net) i would luv to help you.. please e-mail me, your friend fellow addict..