Day 1 On Suboxone

Hi everyone,
Well, I just got home from my appt. with my sub Dr. and I am amazed at how good I feel. He was VERY understanding and made me feel very comfortable with talking to him. I was on a 20 to 30 a day vicodin habit for about 3 or 4 years and within the last year I was taking oxycotton as well. Vicodin wasn't even getting me high anymore, it was just making me feel "normal" if that makes any sense. I have tried in the past to quit on my own and either the w/d was to bad or I still had the craving even after I got past the physical part. My Dr. figured out a dose for me and started me slowly, he monitored me the whole time. I felt like crap going in there because I did not use for 36 hours, but within 20 minutes of my first dose I felt better. By the time I left, and I was there for 5 hours, I felt like myself again, and God did I miss myself. I am not saying this is for everyone, I'm just saying so far so good, and wanted to share my experience with this board, which has been soooooooo helpful for me in my time of need. I really hope and pray this works for me. If anyone has had experience with sub I'd sure like to hear about it. Thanks again to all on this board.

dear redd, that is so cool what is happening for you . I am trying to stop taking darvocets and today I'm going from 8-9 to only 4 and it's hard. I'll be running out of pills real soon, say how do I get started on suboxone? I really need the help!!!
Yellow REDD ~
I am so PROUD OF YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wenses, Mistyeyes just bumped up some info on suboxone.


Redd.............Great for you! What a big step you took and you're well on your way to being YOU again! Best of luck to you!
sorry I did not post back earlier, I walked away from the computer for awile. I hope those links that were posted for you help. This sub is really working for me so far. It feels good to be me again.
Dear Redd WAY TO GO KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!mj please keep me updated on your progress and I'll do the same ok??????mj
Redd I got away from the computer to,,, went to church for a meeting. That info was great I'll make some calls tomorrow cause I found some doctors in the Albuqurque area that work with sub. I hope its not too hard to get them priscribed.
My insurance ran out.. Do you know how much the Sub would cost me without having insurance.. i heard it worked miracles for a lot of people.. please w/b t.y
good question!!!!!!
Luckily my insurance covered everything, although I would have paid for it if I had to, so far so good. I still can't believe how much better I feel from just this morning. The cost of the treatment today would have been $150 and the cost of the sub would have been $109 for 20 pills. I will take 1 pill a day that is 8mg. Check around though, some places have sliding scales depending on your income. Be careful too, there are Dr.s out there who are trying to cash in on this. I ran into a few in my research for a good Dr. I am very lucky.
Good luck,
what qualifies a good doc for this sub? what are few things you looked for in searching for a good doc. I so what to try this, is the price you found about adverage in your different searchs, or do you think it differs depending on where you live?
I'm not sure if the price varies from state to state, here in Michigan I found my cost to be about average. I looked for someone who had experience with treating addiction and also asked typically how long the Dr. wanted me on the sub. Some docs said it could be many months and that kinda scared me off a bit cause I'm not sure if they really want to treat me or keep me for more visits to bring in cash. Maybe I'm paranoid but I dumped alot of money into a rapid detox a year ago and the quack basically put me to sleep for 5 days and that was it. No program, no suggestive counseling, no follow up calls, nothing. I also like that my Dr. started me at 8mg per day instead of 16mg, and the plan is to taper me down from there in 6 to 8 weeks, maybe sooner. He was honest and told me that I may experience w/d from that, but assured me compared to opiate w/d it was very doable.
I hope I helped you,
hello all, what exactly is suboxone? i had a few people suggest that to me, but i don't know what it is.. please exsuse my stupidity, but what is "bump"?someone was gonna bump a link. i'll be honest, i don"t know much about computers, i was lucky to find tihis site.. i think it was meant to be,me finding all you wonderful people.....

Way to go! I'm so happy that you found something that works for you. You're doing a great job!
I wish you all the best, i will continue with my tapering and if that doesn't work, I will look into the way you are going. I wish you and all the best of luck. This board has helped me so much, I was all alone with this now I have a place to turn. i love this place

thank you thank you thank you
Thanks for the post as I will be starting in 6 weeks once on 20 mgs of meth. I to wanted to get off of the bup in a couple months and my shrink said that was my choice but her sugeston was that since Ive been using for 20 years with a little clean time here and there she felyt it would be in my best interest to stay on at least 6 months to give my self the best chance of lerning to live with out drugs and learning to cope with life. I trust her and tho It was totally against what I And thats a big I wanted to do I have failed all other times at staying clean . Also did rapid detox almost killed me was sent to my hotel right after the treatment with trazadone valium and colonopin given to my wife. The idoit when asked how much colonopin I should take said if I start to feel dizzy to stop. Well for a bull like me the meds didi not knoock me out and I suffered so bad I went to ER to have sub implant taken out of my belly . The Dr there wouldnt knock my out or give me anything but lockal but when the reident was digging in my abdomin trying to find the tablet I was screaming like a lunatic from the pain. Best ray