Day 10...

Ugh.... still pooped out. Hungry all the time but need more fiber, ha! It gets better I know...just wish I could fast forward a month. Thanking God I am this far. My head has cleared so much, I am anxious to know my old self again!
Glad to see you back! Just keep putting one foot in front of the other. You will soon be back to your old self. 10 days is fantastic!

Your story really stood out to me. You are doing so well considering your circumstances, and I think you can be an inspiration to others.

Take care
What a nice Christmas present you're giving yourself this year! You're in my prayers. (((((Hugs))))))))

Hey! Made it through another day...and here you are! 10 Days.......woooooo hooooooo! I knew you could do it!!!!

Just rest when you are tired, and eat when you are hungry and try not to judge how you feel right now, just be grateful THAT you feel right now.

I think sometimes when we have been abusing pain meds, manufacturing false energy all the time...when we get clean we don't remember what it is like to we are overly aware of our physical selves...AND we didn't realize how freakin exhausted we really were.

It will get better......just hang in there! I am so glad you are with us here!

I feel so fortunate to be here. Last night my sweetie fixed the best food I have been able to eat in YEARS!! We have only dated a year, so he is just freakin out and loving this new side of me (even sick). He has never seen me eat so well, and he loves to cook, what a team, lol! The flavor that came back allready is amazing!! Fresh huge shrimp, gently cooked in lemon, garlic and butter. ( I can actually taste each seperatly) Crab salad with that! It has been unreal what real food has been tasting like. My body craves it, as it gets to work normal again. It is a struggle, but I am so thrilled at this point! Vegatables this week!
Weird dream last night (I was addicted to the casino?) and horrible sweating with that freaking smell! Does anyone know about that smell? Or do I need to get rid of the goosedown and toughen up to the 68 degree's I keep it in here??
I LOVE each new morning again, (not counting pills is such freedom!) Thanks for the comments. I am doing great, don't have even the slightest urge for any chemical to enter this body! I was literally rotting it from the inside out.. :(
I have such a sweetheart for support (in person when needed) but this board really helped me!
Dear Brendidi,

You sound so great! It is so good to read that you are doing so much better. Your honey sounds wonderful...Sounds like he will be a great support for you in your recovery.

I also liked your description of addiction "I was rotting from the inside out". Yep, that's it, you hit the nail right on the head....

Congratulations to you, I am so happy for you,

Sarah, you say it as it is exactly! My false energy the last couple of years has been pure sugar. I can't believe I withstood the abuse I put on myself? Have a great day! Hope to share your art work sometime!
That awful sweating smell is the toxins leaving your body. As much as it sucks, it is good for you. I actually ruined a set of sheets by sweating on them so much. You may want to be sure that you place something washable between your body and your mattress. They even make waterproof mattress pads. If you have old sheets, drag them out and use them. Change them often, every day if necessary. There are all kinds of great products you can use in the laundry to destroy odor. Just keep reminding yourself that the sweat is GOOD, and all the garbage is leaving your body.

Drink a lot of water to help cleanse and flush out your system. Lemon water is even better. It will eventually go away. For me, the smell stopped and later the sweating stopped. I really didn't mind the sweat once the smell was gone. Just remember that even though it stinks, it is the smell of good health returning, and it won't last forever.

You're doing great!
Thank you for that! No info really detailed on the weird events that our bodies go through. I figured it may have been toxin related! I think the soreness in my gut/stomache area is from simple stretching? I have put on 12 lbs in a month. lol! I quit the 12th of nov from methadone, relapsed to a small supply of hydro (60), to make that unbearable withdrawal period pass. Then I quit lying on the first of december! I love that I haven't had to tell a freaking lie in a while. I finally admitted "how many" to my sweetie. he was pretty shocked, but has been around the block. Its easy to share when you are not judged, huh?
MMM day 10. Nice! I am at day 30 today. You are lucky. I was NOT hungry for three weeks. Hunger is a sign wd is coming to a close

Keep it up! Eat! Hit some meetins

Dont use@
