Hello everyone...well I have tried this before...and failed...this time my heart is in it. And I am winning. After a 5 yr battle with good ole pain pills...I went on sub..for 21/2 yrs....On March 30, I picked up my last 19 pills...after a long slow taper I finished my last "crumb" on June 7....
And its day 4....and unless someone can tell me its still gonna get worse...I feel ok..
Not 100%, but ok....the weird thing is..its not my legs that have that heavy RLS feeling, but its my arms....
Has anyone ever experienced that?? hmmm..maybe the worst is yet to come??
I am VERY VERY tired...cant fall asleep right away, but sleep does come in small doses...
And I know that many people have different opinions about sub...but I think if I would have had better care, as far as my dr was concerend, I would have been free and clear of this a long time ago...
TO ME..mind you i am ONLY speaking for MYSELF..its been a crutch..not a tool..my tools are counseling and meeting and living my life drug free ever day....
Congrats! That's exceptional, keep up the great work. I never had to get off sub, but I experienced some of the same symptoms getting off pills. For some reason, taking early morning walks really helped me to focus on the positive aspects of being free from pills -- mind was clear, beginning of a new day, etc.
Good luck with it.....let us know how it's going.
Good luck with it.....let us know how it's going.
None is right...exercize really does help. Even if it's just a short walk to get you started. I've heard from many here that it takes a couple of months to feel ok after getting off of sub. Depression is the worst of it but just know that it will pass and it's a very short period of time in your life and that end result is so worth it. Are you getting support? Going to meetings and talking to others really helps.
Well, its been 6 weeks and 4 days ,off sub, it does get better, it really does.
The key is a VERY VERY slow taper. i really wish I would have gotten off sooner, but I wasnt ready. I KNOW i wasnt ready, cuz this time, it worked.
Suboxone is a tool, not the answer,
Meetings, counseling. working the steps, and support from your loved ones and family, friends, this board. They are all tools.
None of us got addicted overnight, we wont be fixed overnight. It takes commitment and strength.
And yes, I have fallen before, I pray everyday I will not fall again.
Today, I am holding on, even if its "just for today"
The key is a VERY VERY slow taper. i really wish I would have gotten off sooner, but I wasnt ready. I KNOW i wasnt ready, cuz this time, it worked.
Suboxone is a tool, not the answer,
Meetings, counseling. working the steps, and support from your loved ones and family, friends, this board. They are all tools.
None of us got addicted overnight, we wont be fixed overnight. It takes commitment and strength.
And yes, I have fallen before, I pray everyday I will not fall again.
Today, I am holding on, even if its "just for today"
That is wonderful! I think you are going to be fine. Sounds like you are doing it the right way.
Sub has a long half=life so don;t get discouraged.Day 5-7 is when it can really hit.Just keep posting and we all can help.