I Just want to tell people that suboxone/subutex Is working for me and I recomend It so far. I have never detoxed with such little side effects.
I cut my dose from 3 pills daily, down to 2 sunday. If you have had it with
methadone or the constant baddel with doctors to get geting pain pills prescribed- only to run out early and unsatisfied. You may want to chek this
stuff out. Be warned there are no analgiesic (high or painkilling) proporties.
I do have some problems so far but it seems worth it.
I may have a different opnion In two weeks when the 8+ years of severe opiate use, mantenence and dependency is suspended. With my supposed stop.
Sub is best used short term. I am finding that out the hard way. It is an excellent recovery tool. I am happy to hear you took this step. Are you doing anything else to stay clean? Counseling? Meetings? Group therapy?
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Sub is best used short term. I am finding that out the hard way. It is an excellent recovery tool. I am happy to hear you took this step. Are you doing anything else to stay clean? Counseling? Meetings? Group therapy?
Keep up the good work!
Best wishes,
Nice quote by the way. No thereapy now, I dont have the cash to go to the place that I feel is best for my duel diagnosis so I might use the public behavior help progrom that's avalable. Thanks. Are you taking sub. long term?
I am glad you are getting some support. Why not check out NA or AA? They are free, and can give you lots of support tht you are going to need. This battle is too hard to fight alone.
I have been on sub for 3 months and anticipate about 12 more weeks. If I had it to do over, I would have done a 21 day detox. I am still grateful for the drug, but know it is not going to be a walk in the park to get off of it.
I have been on sub for 3 months and anticipate about 12 more weeks. If I had it to do over, I would have done a 21 day detox. I am still grateful for the drug, but know it is not going to be a walk in the park to get off of it.
i am going in about 2 hours after a year of doing 5-10 percs a day, right now i am in the 24th hour of nasty withdrawls before headin to the Dr.s office, just imagine how i feel right now lol, i feel sorry for anyone who gets in my way when i leave in about 2 hours to the dr to get on sub, i have a 2 ton truck that will be very angry, so please if your in arizona on the street when i leave stay the f*** out my my way (-: