Day 8 And Feeling Great

Hi all
Just wanted to let you all know how good I am doing thanks to you guys. This is my 8th day off of pain pills and I am doing better then I thought I would. Tomorrow is the real test, when my dealer calls (even though I told him not to, I know he will anyway) I have decided to go spend the day at my parents so if he calls or stops by I wont be here.
Thank you all so much, please keep praying for me and keep your fingers crossed for tomorrow.
Love you all
Congratulations on 8 days Aprill....I'm so happy that you are upbeat and willing to go to any length to get and stay clean.
April... that is great news! I am so proud of you! And i think going to stay with them so you aren't around when he calls is a REAL good idea. Love, Bri :)
DAY 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your starting a WHOLE 2nd WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations April!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Im SO proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I'm so glad to see you...couldn't get on this weekend but I prayed for you every morning...a little advice, change your phone number if your "friend" starts bugging you or let him know your clean and if he persists, you'll notify the police...I worry about this as the last time I relapsed was after 4 months, I was having a bad day at work and my "friend" happened to call at a very weak moment...
On another note, this post was awesome to see...keep hanging on because things will only get better every day....
Take care
thants wonderful!!! im so happy for you! Is this the first day youre feeling good?
how are you sleeping? Keep up the good work!!! :)

Thats great about being on your 8th day!! I am on my 6th day so im right behind you. I look forward to reading about your progress.


You know what I find SO amazing about this post!? The fact that after just 7 days of being clean (and TRUST me, I know it's a HUGE accomplishment - I don't say "just" to demean it...), you are already feeling better! I think that the huge barrier between a lot of folks and getting clean is thinking that the horrible, awful, nasty feelings during withdrawl are going to just go on and on and on and we'll have to wait like months before we feel ANYTHING good again. That was very inspiring to me - and usually, I don't chime in on things, but I had to raise my glass to this inspiring post!
Thank you!
Day 8 and you feel great. Good Job


great point......this needs to be shared....that on day 8 you can feel a world of difference...theres light at the end of the withdrawl tunnel!!!!!!!!!!

