Ok it is day 8 and I feel better but not really at the same time. I can barely sleep at night! That is what is driving me crazy and the fact that when it starts getting dark out I start feeling really depressed!. This stuff happens every time but the last time I made it for a long time was when I first started posting on this board in like February of 06. I never felt better until after a long time. I just want to sleep at night! But no matter what I do, hot baths, Melatonin, a heating pad, bendryl, simply sleep , tylenol pm nothing is helping my legs. I have been diagnosed with restless leg syndrome by my doctor and she prescribed me Klonipins a low dose but I abused those too and I can't a refil until the 23 or so of this month. Those would be the only things to help me right now.
Have you looked for any meetings in your area yet?
I have my first appointment tomorrow at the drug and alcohol counseling center tomorrow morning! It is right in town. I just got back from the doctors and she gave me a prescription for a few tramadols until my prescription came in the mail but I am not going to fill it just like when my prescription comes in the mail I am going to get rid of it. My doctor is putting me on Wellbutrin an anti depressant but it helps a persons dopamine receptors and helps your endorphine level. She put it through fed ex as well as some ambien to help me sleep but that is only a 7 day trial until I see the psychiatrist about my anxiety and lack of sleep.
Have you tried quinine for the restless legs??
You can buy an OTC product called Hylands "Leg Cramps" .... it contains quinine and has worked for me when my legs would not stay still and were making me crazy.
There is also a prescription called "Requip" that is for RLS. You ccan talk to your Dr about that also.
Sleep is often one of the slowest w/d symptom to get better. Just do what you can and know that you WILL sleep eventually ..... as I was often told ... you won't die from lack of sleep .... (I disagreed with that statement but my sleep DID return quicker than I thought it would .... On a Saturday and Sunday I was lucky to get an hour of sleep each night, by Wednesday I was up to 4 hours and by Friday I was getting 6 hours+)
I used Valerian Root before bed to help relax. I still take Valerian Root even today during the day to treat my anxiety. I have found it to be the ONLY herbal med that has ever done anything for me and it works GREAT!!!!! Valerian acts like Valium/Klonopin for my anxiety with the exceptions of the loopy head, no abusing it and not addictive like benzos!! Within 10 - 15 minutes of taking a couple Valerian capsules, my anxiety will go from a level 8 down to a 2 or 3!!!!!!
I HIGHLY recommend you try it ..... stay away from the Benzos!!!!! As you said you are already abusing them and if you think opiate w/d's are bad .... HA!!!! Talk to Kat, Danny and others that have gone thru benzo w/d's .... They are like opiate w/d times 100!!!!!
I hope you listen and take our advice here ....
I had to learn the hard way ..... until I finally listened to some very wise people here and became willing to WORK my recovery by going to meetings, working the steps, having a sponsor and support group, etc, etc, etc ...
Fi - as Kat asked above ..... WHAT ABOUT MEETINGS????
Have you found any in your area?? I tried many different groups before I found to one I liked best that became my home group.
Please do not take this wrong, but I just see a lot of addict thinking still going on with you in your posts. I really believe that meetings and working a program will make a HUGE difference for you!!
By doing the same as before, we often continue to relapse and end up in the same places again and again .... until we surrender and try a NEW way....
Sorry for such a long post .... just had a lot to say .....