Day 9 On Sub!!!!overactive Bladder Help

Hello,Im on day 9 on sub.I just cut from 8 mgs to 6mgs .Everything is alot better since my 2 day headace and the 2 days i was weak feeling.Sill dont know why i was like this.Now i have a very very overactive bladder.I have tried to look up to see if it is a sub. side affect.I didnt see that it is.I havent slept good in 3 nights i got up about 25 times last night.Day time its still like that but not as bad.I have not been drinking anything more than usally.I use it then sit down and have to run back and yes i have alot that comes out everytime i use it.If someone can help me with this plz do.I hated to post and ask this.I wanted to know if anyone had this problem.Also if you know something that would help easy it or so i dont have to go as offen.i have got some ditropan XL not helping any im takeing it 3 at a times.thanks,crystal

this happened to me coming off vicodin

i think it happens because the med makes you retain water- ever felt like your hands were swollen, well coming off your body is getting rid of all the extra water

just a theory????

btw--dont take more than one ditropan-you wouldnt want to be incontinent(3 is too many at a time) i dont know if you md rx'd it to you- but if he didnt you might want to check if its ok to take with your current treatment

Thanks didi
The detropan was my moms that past last year.No my doctor dont know im takeing it.You are probley right about takeing it w/o him knowing.The bottle has on it to take 3 of them ever 8 hours.I cant wait til my doctors office opens.I thought i was going to have to got to the er this weekend.Never been in the bathroom so much in my life. lol. thanks for your suport.take care crystal

Crystal......Hey! well, i have never taken Sub, and I have never heard this of this symptom. I didn't have it with my hydro w/d. Maybe another SUB user will come along. Either way, as a 49 year old mother of 2, I can relate somewhat to the problem. LOL It's not funny at all, I know. I hope it gets better soon.

BTW.....I am in GA, too. West GA, about 50 miles west of ATL. Where are you? Lovely day we're having, huh?
hey carol,

how are you doing??

you never felt swollen hands while on the hydro??
its so weird how everyone is different

i was concerned about the sub and the ditropan combo because at work we usually dicontinue that med if the pt starts any narcotics-just lookin out for your health sweetie
Hey think I just posted you somewhere in here.Im on sub & I did have a problem with that but I dont know if it was the sub or drinking(ice tea or whatever)before bed.I dont know if you are having trouble sleeping.I am & I think some of the problem may be from peeing too much.Anyways I try to cut back on drinking before bed & that seems to help the peeing problem but Im still sleeping like crap,,,,mj
Crytsal, sub can make you a bit speedy so maybe thats why your going so much, are you planning to taper soon? A lower dose may help out with that problem.
Also I couldnt take sub before bedtime because I couldnt sleep well, I had to take my last dose by 5 to get a good nights sleep.


Hey that I really think back, guess I did experience some swelling in my rings got too tight sometimes. But I just assumed it was old age. haha
How are you doing today?

HEY JOHN DEE!! Long time, no talk! How are you doing? Where have you been? You have been missed!!!
Hi Carol, been busy with work and with the nice weather Ive been spending more time outside.
How you doing?

hello,my hands are not swollen that i notice.I am not sleeping much at all ethier.Im up and down seems like ever 5 to 20 mins .No its not fun at all.I was woundering with my dic problem if it could be pushing on my bladder.I have had that before but this time its alot worst.My doctor back then said take bendrell. to help control it .I just been reading over my sub. papers and its says dont take xanxa,valuim,or bendrell.I was taken zx for sleep so i quit right before i got of sub.and also trying to not drink much of anything just to see if that helps.So far it has not.Looks like ive got enough suport in here and it feels good.thanks all....
I take ditropan xl and I am on xanex and antidepressents and have had no problem. But it took a few weeks for it 2 kick n. I like u was up and down all the time. But over time I am so much better i actually sleep all night. go to your doc and talk with him, it has caused no side affects for me.

Take care, Love ya,

If you are voiding (peeing) this many times during the night, I think you may want to have your blood sugar checked. This is one sympton of diabetes. But it could be indicitive of several other problems. PLease f/u with your MD on Monday. If what you have is a urinary tract infection (UTI) then you would also be experiencing burning and pain during urination with increased frequency .
Just call your dr. and get it checked out.

Take care,
Dear Garl,
Just wanted to wish you luck with the Sub..I have heard Many great things about it, but also heard that it is really really best if you get off it as soon as possible...
My 2 friends are on it now, but extremely high doses..When I saw the one girl, she actually looked like she was speeding..Both of these girls Are sleeping through the night. and haven't heard anything about them peeing more often..
If it is a bladder infection, (something I use to get quite often.) you will be feeling like you have to pee all the time but only voiding a little at a I don't think it is that from what you have said.
I would definetly call the Doc, but in the mean time, try drinking Cranberry juice during the early day..That should clean your kidneys out and hopefully that will relieve some of the pressure..
Try not to drink Tea, or caffeine..that tends to make you hold water for that could be what is happening..I know that from when I use to get Ultra-sounds..
Well I hope you are feeling better real soon...You should be proud of yourself..
You are definetly on the right path..Good Luck
Love and Hugs.
I'm day 12 on Sub and can't say it's had this effect on me...although I am a little constipated and I understand that's normal.
I was going to say the same thing that Sharon did...... getting up to go to the bathroom 25 times a night is NOT normal. I was on sub for 3 months and have never heard of this side effect, so I don't think it's the drug.... I could be wrong, but I've not heard anything about it.

Going to the bathroom 25 times a night could be diabetes, it could be a urinary tract infection, or it could be a kidney problem (something to be careful with for people addicted to pain pills)..... Ask your doctor to run a simple urine test and some simple blood tests to make sure there is no infection, then work from there.

Until then, try to not drink anything late in the evenings, limit caffeine, yada yada yada......

Hope you feel better!