I took a Benadryl last night before I went to bed and I actually got some sleep. Not a lot of consecutive z's but I didn't get up and roam around the house either.
I feel vaguely optimistic this morning, probably from getting a little rest.
The past 8 days seem like a blur. I can barely remember what happened last week, and all things considered that's probably a good thing.
Lack of energy in the mornings is still my biggest problem. You just cannot imagine how hard it is to put down the coffee cup and head for the shower. Well, maybe you can imagine. I could take a few vacation days but why would I want to waste vacation days immobilized in the recliner?
It seems like I'm trying to use laziness as a replacement for my addiction, and I just won't give in to it. There is no replacement for a opiate addiction. It's something I wanted to get rid of, not find a substitute for. The craving side of me is saying there is a hole in my life, and the rational common-sense side is saying at long last your life is finally whole again.
Ah, well, enough philosophy. I hope everyone has the most fantastic day of their lives!
I have to be a husband, and a father, and a grand-father, and an employee, and all that other responsibile citizen-Kane stuff. Thank goodness I can come in here and piss and moan like the 8-year old I really am.
good morning mr clean lol!! i don't think taking a vacation day or 2 is wasteing them, i think it is much needed and deserved. give yourself a break, you only took 1 day so far right?
Good job on 9 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! I look forward to seeing your posts on your progress each and every morning! I don't know where everyone else is today but I wanted to congratulate you! Hope you have a great day! You deserve it!
Take care,
Take care,
Gosh 9 days that is great the best thing you could do is keep going as far as work and being active your days will start to fly the energy level is alwayss the problem I still at 45 days still have the issues with energy but you just have to get up and do it anyway then I find the energy to do stuff.But I hope you have a super day sounds like you already are.Oh and the benadryl does help with the sleep I took it for a while and it helped me.........With Love .........Jessica
On 9 Days of being clean and being off everything...
To be able to do that you have to realize that your a very strong person mentally...You must have a strong will to be clean, without the aid of opiates once in a while, or methadone or sub..
Cold turkey is the only TRUE way to realize what we put ourselves through and to see if we can make it out..
1 clean day at a time bud!
On 9 Days of being clean and being off everything...
To be able to do that you have to realize that your a very strong person mentally...You must have a strong will to be clean, without the aid of opiates once in a while, or methadone or sub..
Cold turkey is the only TRUE way to realize what we put ourselves through and to see if we can make it out..
1 clean day at a time bud!