Day By Day Is The Only Way

I am a medical professional and an opiate addict!!!!!! It has took me 3 years to finally realize that I had a problem. I never used drugs before- until I went into the medical profession. Easy ACCESS to drugs and long shifts made it my worst nightmare. I still can't believe this happened to me, I knew better. It started off taking a vicodin here and there for a burst of energy to taking 30 vicodin a day. I am on my 2nd day clean and its not that bad. The clonidine has helped alot because honestly I don't feel that bad. I actually went to work today with all the temptation there and I told myself "NO NO NO" I have taken away parts of my life that I will never get back--so all I have is the future and I'm taking it one day at a time. I realize that each day will be a struggle but my family and my life are worth fighting for!!! A few of my family members are aware of the problem but I am unable to tell my employer because this would cause serious problems. My MD also doesn't know because he works at my job. My only therapy will be the support of these groups and my family. It could jeopardize my job if my employer found out so I have no other choice than to keep it quiet. It feels so good to talk about my addiction without feeling judged. If I can do it so can you!! JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF!! I would appreciate any support I can get!
JMO but your a professional can get a job anywhere. Today your in a life or dearth struggle for your life. Recovery comes first as addiction Kills. Worrying about anything other than you getting off the pillls?

Your recovery comes first. No matter what you have to do to get yourself straight.

What Type of job do you have? A medical profesional could be ?? Can you be a bit more specific?

You have choices. C/T? or subuxone or a weaning of the vikes.

Can ou share a bit more specifics as from what you have posted kind of hard to offer any other ideas.

Jeff I am a very well respected RN nurse manager and I have been working there for ten years and I have seen first hand the power they have to ruin your career forever. I only work a couple days a week because I am currently a full time student receiving my master degree in the science of Nursing. I feel like if I can just keep it quiet until after I finish school (because I won't have the access to these drugs with my new job). I have no intentions on ever starting back but at least I wont have the access to them with my new job. ANY THOUGHTS
Renae..........Congratulations on getting clean! Living with pills is not living at all! I feel like I missed 3 years of my kid's lives b/c of those D*** pills. I am in the recovery process too and you are right by saying "It takes one day at a time). There could never be a truer statement! Good luck on your recovery. Hang around and keep posting! There are alot of really good people here with lots of good advice!!!!!!!!!!!!!