Day Five

18 months of 3 7.5 vics and 2 15mg oxys daily...

I thought that by day five I would feel better. I was in bed most of the day with a terrible variant migaine that made me feel like I had a brain tumor. I couldnt concentrate or think clearly. Dizzy and confused.

How much longer before I feel normal again?
I can't give you an exact day when you'll feel better as everyone is different. But, I'd say hang in there, at day 5 I'd say your close and should start feeling a little better now as each day passes.
Congratulations on 5 days thats awsome! Keep it up and hang in there!
Are you going to meetings? Do you have a plan to stay clean?
Are you willing to do what ever it takes to stay clean? We all have said those
"Foxhole Prayers" Lord get me outta this one and I'll never......etc..etc..
Being clean and for me also sober is beyond my wildest dreams, you'll feel it too
if your willing to go to any lengths. I hope you are.

Take care................Bob
There is no specific date to when you will feel normal again. You were taking them religiously everyday for 1 and 1/2 yrs. Thats a long time and your body is very used to getting it's daily fix. So 550 days on the pills and only 5 days off the pills. Its gonna be a while before you feel anything that resembles normal.

Not to sound cruel but thats just the reality of it.
Hi..I got off Vic's almost a month ago. The first 5-7 days were hell. Then th following 10 days of exchaustion, achiness in the legs (the WORST), and generally not feeling right. I would think in a few days you wont feel as bad as you do today.Just hang in there.Stay on the boards if you feel weak.

The harder part for me is now that i am feeling good, emotionally I want them again. Then I think of how I felt on days 1-5 and say NO WAY..distract myself and get past the "moment".
loliverny I completley agre with you, I am 27 days sober from V's and the 1st 7 wre the hardsest and now that I feel normal all I want to do is relapse, greg_addict just becarful and now that what you are feeling is normal and I promise it will past, good luck
I dont understand, when you say normal, do you mean physically? I didnt physically for a couple of weeks. or did you mean mentally? If thats the case give it a few months. I ran into a few rough patches over the first three. And BTW, the mental side was far worse in my opinion.

I agree..the mental side for me (STAYING CLEAN) is harder than the physical wd's.Thats why the boards, meetings ( i have yet to get to one..), supportive friends and family are helpful. I keep remembering someone here said NOT USING ISNT RECOVERY. How true..
Congratulations Greg Addict. I am praying for you. I am on a weaning down program and have been on meds for about 2 years.

My doctor has been great. I constantly go into withdrawal since my doses were so high. YOU have come so far, and I am praying for you. I know how miserable you are feeling and I don't know how long it will last, but I guess it cannot be forever.

I am sorry if this has not been much of a hopeful reply, but I am thinking of you. May your future outshine your past and the crazy cravings go away.

hope that you start to feel better for normal, is there such a thing??
good've come so
congratulations on your five days...hang in there one day at a time
Ya know, I never really understood that "one day at a time" phrase until recently. I have been having very strong cravings..thank heavens I have no access, but the cravings are there and bothering me. So what I tell myself is..ok...stay busy, or go read on the topic or go for a walk..WHATEVER to get past the impulse moment. The next thing I know..3 or 4 hours goes by that I havent thought about it. I hope that as time goes on..3-4 hours will turn into 3-4 days...
Hang in there Greg. As others have said it does get just takes time.

Is there any reason why you can't get to an NA or AA meeting? You'll get a ton of support there.

For those with a month or so clean and now fighting the urge to use, this is normal. Afterall, you battled the wd's, now you're feeling pretty good and your addict mind is sending signals that it's okay to use again. Maybe I can control this stuff. Nope.

The most important part of addiction and recovery, IMO, is establishing a solid long-term recovery plan. This is going to sound contradictory but you work this long-term plan one day at a time.

If you've got a few weeks clean and are fighting cravings, are you going to meetings to share your struggles with other addicts, or to a counselor to talk about why you used? Don't underestimate the power of addiction - the power of your mind.

If you're truly an addict then you know we can't take just one pill can we? This online forum is tremendous, but IMO there is nothing like f2f support. My expereince has shown me that my recovery is only as strong as the program it's built on. My relapses in the past are the direct result of not admitting complete powerless over these pills and not working a solid recovery program.

Try a just might like it!
