Day4sub Begin Taper?

HI all, Today is day four of sub,, so far so good had some problems cutting connections loose going to be in a money bind this two weeks but, I have not used. Yesterday was the roughest which was really fourth day without percs and tabs... MY little girl is still sleeping which is kinda late for her ,their out of school today... but since she has been sick I'll let her sleep as long as she can..she will probably be waking up any minute...
I had to go all the way up to 6mgs yesterday, due to all the crap I was dealing with... going to start to try to taper back down to 4 today.. hopefully... kinda had some of that post opiate depression late yesterday could have taken more sub to not deal with it... but since I know its source I was not as scared of it.. and just prayed about finally eased up and I sleept just o.k. Nothing great, but I cant tell for sure, cause when my daughter is here I hardly sleep anyway.. but will know more about my sleep tonight after she goes home this evening to her Moms...well I think I hear her calling for me,, catch in a little bit
Thanks all
Hey again, its me. I read your post and I know you are worried about trading addictions from percs to sub, and I can appreciate that but, I do have few concerns here.
I'm not a doctor, but what I have been led to understand through my doc, is you have to let sub do its job. It is a tool to use towards getting clean, and we have to use it properly. I really wish you had a better doctor with this. My doc wanted me to start at a certain dose and slowly taper. Each dose that I took I was on for about 10 to 14 days before dropping, so as not to feel the drop. I started at 8mg a little over 6 weeks ago and am currently at 2mg as of this morning. I'm just afraid you may going a little fast. I know you want to be off everything ASAP, and maybe you can speed things up a liitle, but this is going to take some time. I'm just saying, allow yourself it.


Hey Redd, I hear you and am concerned myself, I will slow down a little. Iam calling to make an appointment today with a differnt sub doctor that will be closer to me today, hope to get in this week. Will let you know how it goes.
I agree with Redd you may be doing more harm than good by going so fast.I know for me that first week my body was adjusting.Nothing I can really explain but I could tell a difference.I really think another DR would do a better job.there are still Dr out there that do care...Good Luck...mj
Tak, i read in the other post you answered my question about the movie, glad you didn't tell me how it ended!!!!!! Just joking, i hate that, when i really want to see a movie and someone sits there and tells you the ending!!!! Well, we might go see this evening, my little girl is off school today and has a haircut app. at 2 after that we might catch a movie. Nice talking to ya, abby.
Good idea Tak, get someone to listen to you


Yea, I called the other sub doc, not in today, will call tomorrow, they said he could probably get me in this week just to stay where Iam at on sub and don't adjust nothing yet.
But, I was basing my decision on my research from othe boards , people and the research done by samsha and NIDA.. where they took to groups of opiate abusers one group was short term low dose on sub taper slowly down to small amounts in three week period. The other was long term higher doses. Both groups had faliures and succcess, In both groups the success had other resources in place ie. therapy, 12step program, higher power. and desire and willingness to change. I know there are sub doctors out there from my research believe in a short term detox like Iam attempting.... But, bottom line I have to be safe, so I will see another Doc to moniter me and seek his counsel.. I don't want to get myself in a situation I can't handle... Your input will always be consdiered thanks for your support.
You are so doing your homework Tak, I don't have to worry about you at all. I'll be coming to you soon for advice on this. I think we will both be off sub right about the same time together.


i echo redd, sounds like yuo did a great job on educating yourself on the sub and you def got the 12 step back up, plus all us. you can't go wrong. i'll say a prayer for you with this new dr. i'm most impressed with your progress. keep it up, it only gets better from here :)

omg redd i love the new avatar : )

I keep switching know my rule, avatar fits my mood and I think peace is seeping in here I have puppies on the brain


Thanks you guys, you know how scared I was of starting this sub. and I have done lots of homework. But, I am still nervous about it.. And will seek the new Dr. for advice. But, I tell you right now its saving my butt, though Iam still nervous about it. I have not used since last wed. so Iam thankful for that.. I have stopped the bleeding of spending my money on the streets, it has enabled me to break away from the suppliers, and other users. It has given me time to reflect to remind myself that Iam an addict and alcoholic for life. And my experiece is the way to live the rest of my life clean is through a spirtual program. This I got away from, if you seen the relapse symptoms someone posted yesterday , I feel for all of those and relapsed.... by letting off of my program... I have had my head buried in my big book and praying my tail off. The sub. has agian enabled me to do that.... so Iam grateful for it . now I must play it safe as you suggested with a new sub dr. For me, I know that the program is what will keep be clean and sober in the long run. It works if you work it. and it wont if you don't.... Abby, sorry if I told you to much about the movie,,, We enjoyed hope you do too.
Tak, hey, you didn't tell me to much about the movies, anyways she changed her mind and wanted to go shopping after the haircut, so we went shopping and then out to dinner, we had a good time, good luck on the sub, hope all works out good for you! abby

when you weigh up the pros and cons of staying on sub for longer periods, be wary that you are comparing apples with apples.

Sub can you be used for detox *and* maintenance. Depending on what you were using and how much, a 7 day sub detox can be sufficient to get you off with minimal withdrawals. For others the detox takes longer. Most addicts who do a short Sub detox will then go onto Naltrexone (an opiate blocker) for a period of time. Counselling and peer support are a must. In my country a 7-14 day Sub detox and 3 month Naltrexone follow-up is the treatment of choice for those on all but very high doses of opiates.

Some stay on Sub for maintenance (months - years) and they taper much more slowly. This is also a valid approach but the goals are slightly different.

In your case your Dr is using a short Sub detox and will have his own ideas on your maintenance phase (preventing relapse).

In other cases, taking sub for an extended period *is* the maintenance phase, along with other tools.

I hope this helps