Dealing With An Adult Drug Abuser

I have a daughter who is in the military and about to get discharged because of her attitude and angry outbursts, She has had a problem with pain pills since she was 14 years old, She has put me through absolute Hell on Earth at times, She has been in the military for 8 years and will leave with nowhere to go other than to move back in with me, I know in my Heart she is still abusing because of her attitude(She has taught me the signs of drug abuse well), I want to help my daughter but don't want to enable her, I don't have a clue about how I should handle this, I do know that that I despise being anywhere around her when she us using, Does anyone have insight into this that has been thru this situation?
You may get some responses posting in the Families/Partners of Addicts board. There are many mothers there experiencing what you are going through.
If ur daughter is still in the military at the moment and she is still addicted...she can ask for help while she's there...they provide all kinds of drug and alcohol assistance...she has to ask for it though...