Dealing With Loss

A dear friend of my families is in mourning, it sucks.

WE New it was coming from they The doctors said his vitals are strong and should last a long time-6-12 months--Wrong sadly and he passed late this past Friday .

How do you all deal with loss of a special person in your life?

I dont know, but could really use that answer about now if there is one, you kinda just deal
In some ways as we never seem to get the answers we need when it comes to death I think it is just what isA mystery that makes no damn sense at times, and yet it is suppose to, to begin with.
Their time, I stay in thatIt is just their time for reasons far beyond our comprehension..
I am sorry Jeff, I know it hurts
I could use that answer too.
All I know is what Tina just kinda deal.
Jeff, I came to this board for another reason, but just read your post. Man, my heart goes out to you. I recently lost a close friend where we knew sooner or later it would happen, but you never want to see it.

All I can say is, let the hurt and the grief flow. Don't be ashamed to hurt over it. It sucks. Close your eyes and talk to him... remember. Sometimes out of no-where the pain and tears just show up again. It's natural.

My prayers go out for you.....
Time heals really does. The pain lessens and you just move on. It's what the person would have wanted you to do. I'm sorry...((hug))).
I just lost my last living Grandmother, and think of her everyday.She was old, and it was her time.

My best friend died when he was 12. Very sudden. Accidental Shooting. It's been over 12 years and I haven't moved on. Actually I haven't had that hurt diminish an ounce. I don't think it will. I don't think it's possible. I hurt every day thinking of him. There are times that go by and it seems toget better, but then there are periods that it just seems to get worse. , having the same feeling that it just happened, when in reality it's been longer since he has been gone than the time where he was on this earth.

I don't know Jeff. Depending on the situation, sometimes it just doesn't get easier.
Jeff- It took a very long time to get over when my Mom died. It takes time but it will happen