Dear Molly Jean.

Hey girl, It was so good to hear from you. I havent talked to you in a long time. I hope everything is going ok for you. You have always been a good friend online. I have picked myself up and I think everything happens for a reason. I was not working my program like I should have been and was very unhappy.I am now happy and so is melody.

We are planning a cruise in about two months. fun! -fun! I have never been on one and have always wanted to go. I dont have your email address and I am really not sure what mine is. I would love to talk to you though. I think it might be

I have so much to tell you girl. So send me yours to that address and I will email you back.

Love ya,
Huny Ive tried to email you but its not going through...Is that you addy?I too have so much to tell you but today Mikey is home & I have so much to do.
Try to write me at & Ill send you my main email ok.
Ive missed talking with you.Please double check your addy Ive saved the letter I wrote but I MUST sign off for now
Looking forwards to "hooking back up"
love sabrina

Mods please delete my addy after 5 minutes...thank you
April I need at least 1 of your addys...wait till you see how beautiful my girls have gotten