Deciding To Quit

So tomorrow I am gonna be trying to quit, I have been smoking weed since I was about 15, I'm 24 now and all I want to do is quit I tell my self everyday, I can get through the day fighting the urges but by night time I always give in and I feel so disappointed afterwards. I'm wondering if you guys have any tips or anything to share would be great I am hoping joining a site like this might give me a better chance this time.
If you really want to quit, you dont just say it but you do it. When quitting you have to commit and always picture what good life is waiting for you after this. I know all the cravings can always be tempting but thats it you need to refuse to it. The best thing to do is to divert your attention into something exciting activities. Meditate and exercise. Read some books and eat healthy foods. Have a diary plan. Learn to use new approach to your problems rather than solving it through smoking. Change your environment. getting it out into house, not hanging around to people who using it.

You can do this. Your stronger than you think you are. If we succeed , likewise to you.
Thanks the for reply and the encouragement. Last night I smoked my last bong and binned all my smoking tools anything to do with weed went in the bin, I have gone all day without going any where near it and I'm proud of that but I know the battle has only just begun, I keep telling myself if I can get through today then I can get by tomorrow, thinking of the money I have spent and what I could of bought with it is a big motivation for me because of the money I won't spend on it and the things I will buy with my spare money. Boredom and little fits of anger are my symptoms so far. I have a plan for sleeping tonight so I'm not worried about that I just want it out of my life for good now.